The Rescuers (Disney film)/Awesome

  • The origins of the Rescue Aid Society itself, from that first act of willingly put thier lives on the line to help those in danger is pretty impressive for mice.
  • For the real Disney geeks, Marahute and Cody's flight together is absolutely a CMOA for the Bronze Age Disney animation team and for Chris Sanders and Glen Keane specifically.
  • Wilbur skydiving!


  • Penny's, what, eight to twelve years old? She gets to drive the Medusa's motorboat in the escape sequence. If you think a child driving a Cool Boat is awesome, wait 'til you see Medusa turn her pet crocs into water skis. Cue demotivational posters about Disney encouraging minors to drive vehicles.
  • Any time Bernard decides it's time to get dangerous.
    • To elaborate, in the sequel, Bernard tamed a wild boar by staring at it.