The Ring/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== Samara has been rendered powerless [[Technology Marches On| due to advances in technology]]. ==
Samara seems to be an [[Invincible Villain]] and [[Karma Houdini]], but one theory claims otherwise. She is nearly unstoppable and should you watch her tape, the only way to save yourself is to copy the tape and send it to someone else; the idea being that the recipient would watch the tape and become her next victim. But what would happen if the recipient simply had no VCR? Such devices have become obsolete since the last entry of the original franchise, and VCR tapes are ''very'' hard to copy onto DVD or BlueRay. It stands to reason that eventually, [[And I Must Scream| Samara would become trapped]], with nobody able to watch her tape due to lack of anything to play it on.