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* Taking some notes from Who Shot Mr. Burns Part 1, [[Four Swords Misadventures]] had Green Link, upon learning that Vaati sent him a Cucco (which he refers to as "cock" as in "You love cock!"), screaming "Vaati, you NO-GOOD [[Curse Cut Short|MOTHERF-!]], which pans throughout Hyrule, breaking the peace and was apparently loud enough to break the sound barrier.
* Noah Antwiler ([[The Spoony Experiment|The Spoony One]]) commits a Scream after being utterly broken by one of the worst PC games of all time, Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge. In a parody of/tribute to [[The Princess Bride]], Benzaie hears it and remarks that it is the sound of the Ultimate Suffering.
* ''[[]]'''s Photoplasty [ Famous Images, As Seen From a Different Angle] shows what the figure in Edvard Munch's painting was screaming at: [[Superman]].
== Western Animation ==