The Secret World: Difference between revisions

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* [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]]: With the name of Templars, referring to having faith when speaking of them often, and using the Iron Cross as their symbol, many assume the Templars are Christians. It has been explicitly stated that they are not, though.
* [[Faction Calculus]]: Templars seem to be the Powerhouse, Illuminati, the Balanced faction, and Dragon, the Subversives.
* [[Gray and Grey Morality]]: Pick your poison: the [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|demon-purging]] [[Knight Templar|Templar]], the [[Man Behind the Man|power-brokering]] [[One World Order|Illuminati]], or the [[Anarchy Is Chaos|destabilizing]] [[The Chessmaster|Dragon]].
** On the NPC side, we have the Phoenicians, who were ''originally'' an ally to the Big Three, but kept on getting the shaft in intra-Council of Venice politics until they lost their patience. In other words, an oppressed minority who decided to do something about it.
* [[Historical Villain Upgrade]]: [[The Illuminati]] and [[The Knights Templar]] in ''TSW'' are... different from what history tells us.
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* [[Order Versus Chaos]]: The Templar are all about hierarchy, the Illuminati are Social Darwinists with a pyramidal scheme in mind, and the Dragon... believes in inciting chaos to force balance.
* [[Path of Inspiration]]: The Morninglight movement seems to be part [[New Age]] self-help group and part doomsday [[Cult]]. [[Lou Cypher|Their name]] should ring alarm bells, and some of their members are definitely up to no good in Kingsmouth.
* [[Viewers Are Geniuses|Players Are Geniuses]]/OnlySmartPeopleMayPass: Some missions will require you to do actual research, such as looking up Bible quotes, using the in-game browser to Google Italian composers... or just looking it up on [[Game FAQsGameFAQs]].
* [[Rich Idiot With No Day Job]]: The Illuminati are described as "Sex, Drugs and Rockefeller." Note that this is a [[Subverted Trope]], as all Illuminati must pull their own weight [[Klingon Promotion|or be culled]].
* [[Shout-Out]]: One of the Kingsmouth trailers briefly shows a street sign, at the corner of [[Cthulhu Mythos|Lovecraft]] and [[H.P. Lovecraft|Arkham]].