The Secret of NIMH/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* Speaking of which, who IS the Great Owl? Is it ever explained what he is or where he fits into the rest of the film's plot?
** He's just the Great Owl, one of the oldest creatures in the forest and thus very wise. His role is to point Mrs. Frisby to the rats, who she would never contact unless she knew they'd actually help. I'm not sure what more needs to be explained here.
** In This Troper's opinion, the Great Owl scene is [[Don Bluth]] 's proto-[[BigNon LippedSequitur Alligator MomentScene]]. Nothing about who or what the Great Owl is supposed to be is explained, how the Great Owl knows about the rats of NIMH is never explained, it's never explained if the Owl is some sort of magical being or whether he has any connection to the experiments at NIMH. It's not even really explained why Auntie Shrew thought consulting him was a good idea. She just kind of [[Ass Pull|randomly suggests]] to Mrs. Brisby that "the Great Owl" would know what to do without really elaborating on who this character is. Is the intended implication that the animals of the forest consult the Owl about their problems on regular basis? Well, that's never really explained either. And of course, the Owl [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?|never appears again and is barely even referenced]] after his scene.
*** Mrs. Brisby tells Mr. Ages she saw the owl and he spends the next flabbergasted minute trying to convey to her that nobody sees the owl and lives to tell the tale. Mrs. Brisby also tells Nicodemus about her visit to the owl and he refers to the owl as a good friend and comrade.
*** While it's not a true BLAM, the scene could have been excised and Mr. Ages could have just told her about the rats.
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** There's also the fact that Nicodemus is a prophet, and would thus believe in fate.
* Why is Jeremy in this movie? He wasn't funny, he had next to no impact on the plot, he kept leading to awkward mood whiplash, and his story didn't really go anywhere.
** This troper personally adored Jeremy, though admits he was awkwardly placed in the film. His early role was important somewhat (saving Ms Brisby from Dragon and flying her to the Great Owl) though that was the problem, his relevance ended after the beginning of the film. It was likely a case of [[Ascended Extra|expanding his role from the book]] to give a wider balance of whimsy and comic relief throughout the movie, though contradicted the movie's tendancy to [[Shoo Out the Clowns]] whenever things got climatic. Perhaps due to being Bluth's first movie, he had more problems with the story and balancing the cast (other characters seem to drift in and out as well, such as the infamous [[BigNon LippedSequitur Alligator MomentScene]] that was Brutus), Jeremy actually seems like something of a prototype for later comical roles in Bluth movies such as [[An American Tail|Tiger]] (the fact the majority of them are also voiced by Dom De Luise only fuels this theory further).
* To rephrase a point brought up by a lot of people, if the rats idolize Jonathan and Timmy so much that they give them statues why the hell doesn't Mrs. Brisby have one as well? She was the one who warned them about NIMH coming to they could leave for Thorn Valley in the first place! If it hadn't been for her, they'd have been recaptured or worse!
** For that matter, why do the rats idolize Jonathan so much? Yes he helped them escape, and later died while attempting to drug Dragon. It makes sense that they would want to return the favor to his family. But build him a statue and call him their "greatest hero"?
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* Martin's character design in the sequel when he's evil is nothing like his usual character design other than his eye color. And even then, Martin can somehow conrtol the appearance of his eyes, like the hypno spiral. His fur is much darker. He had a cream colored pelt and a white shape on his chest (you know, the type in every animated show with a talking animal) but now he has dark gray (green in some shots) fur. Who does his dye job? They did a crappy job sense his fur color changes back. He seems (he's wearing a cloak) to have lost weight and grown taller. Fine, I can understand that but these he then shrinks and gains back the weight. And now he has a British accent. Fine, Stockholm Syndrome would explain that if the humans were British. But he becomes American again once he's good and his voice also becomes that of a fifteen year old as opposed to Evil Martin's quite adult voice. How does that work?!
** I don't consider the sequel to be canon. I know it technically is, but it's so out of touch with the original. See if that helps.
*** I don't consider it good form to give a response that boils down to "it doesn't matter, because it's [[Fanon Discontinuity]]" because it tends to stifle discussion. That's the right of anyone here, though, so, [[Shrug Take|meh]]. To the original troper, I say that it's an [[Evil Makeover]], which happens enough to be a supertrope of its own. [[Watsonian Versus Doylist|In-story]], because [[Dark Is Evil|Evil Is Dark]] according to [[A Wizard Did It|whatever magic gave him the hypnosis eyes]], a more menacing expression and posture can do a lot to change someone (especially if they exude an aura of evil or at least [[Disneyfication|not-niceness]] a la [[The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde|Mr. Hyde]]), and that sort of British accent is [[Evil Is Cool|cool]]. Out-of-story, because he [[Sarcasm Mode|needed to]] be [[Evil Makes You Monstrous|turned into]] an [[Obviously Evil]] [[Moustache Twirling Villain]] so [[Viewers Areare Morons|the poor, dull-witted kids wouldn't be confused]] about why Martin was suddenly rampaging around and being a mean person, and be happy when he turned [[Family -Unfriendly Aesop|normal]].
*** [[Wild Mass Guessing|Maybe the DNA he was given in the lab to make him smart had been derived from a British-bred lab mouse with a different fur color?]]
* Just how did the children survive after the house was completely submerged in mud? It was under there for a while. Not to mention that you only see three kids -- ''Timmy is still in bed.''
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[[Category:The Secretof NIMH]]