The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel: Difference between revisions

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** The {{spoiler|Archons}} take this to another level: if the Dark Elders haunt the nightmares of humans, then these guys haunt the Dark Elder's nightmares.
** The Dark Elders are simply a faction of normal Elders united against humanity, and Elders look almost exactly like humans until the Change sets in. That's when they become...things varying from cat-headed people to golden statues to gigantic spiders. {{spoiler|The Archons are (mostly) [[Humanoid Abomination|Humanoid Abominations]], and the Earthlords are only vaguely humanoid and VERY eldritch.}}
* [[EndoftheThe End of the World Asas We Know It]] - The return of the Dark Elders would be this.
** This is {{spoiler|Marethyu's}} shtick.
* [[Evil Albino]]: Phobos and Deimos, Mars's satyr minions.