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[[File:silence.jpg|link=Mahou Sensei Negima|frame|That [[The Voiceless|Zazie]] is [[Sarcasm Mode|quite a chatterbox.]] ]]
AThe '''Silent Bob''' is a speechless (or nearly speechless) [[The Stoic|Stoic]] who can hold entire conversations without saying a word. Usually, they'll look soulfully, blink, raise an eyebrow, or make another otherwise minuscule gesture and get their point across. In fact, they're usually better at communicating nonverbally [[Poor Communication Kills|than most of us are at communicating verbally]].
This can overlap with any stereotypically quiet character type: [[The Voiceless]], [[The Quiet One]], the [[Silent Snarker]], or the [[Heroic Mime]]. What matters is their uncanny ability to communicate complex thoughts non-verbally.
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This can be done to preserve the [[Badass]] factor of a speechless character without sacrificing his ability to communicate. Or it can be played for laughs, with other characters responding to the quiet guy's looks as if they're long, poignant soliloquies on the nature of love, life, or liberty. They may even inspire the odd [[Placebo Eureka Moment]]. More often than not, it turns into a [[Bilingual Dialogue]] with the other person just not talking.
Another aspect of this trope is that it's normally incredibly significant when these characters speak; either they have something profound to say which will give the heroes incredibly useful insight, or another character's irritant tendencies are thrown into sharp relief when they manage to push [[The Stoic]] to the breaking point and he loses his temper, or the character's silence is a joke, and whatever they have to say is the punchline thereof. No matter which it is, the fact is that the other characters always find it to be of note when the [[Silent Bob]] does deign to speak.
Very commonly a trait of the [[Optional Party Member]], as he/she is often added at the last minute or as an extra feature in a port (or is deemed simply too much trouble to add to the script) and is given very little or no dialogue. However, what little they do say, no matter how [[Ignored Epiphany|groundbreaking]] or [[Ignored Confession|important to the plot]] it is, is completely ignored, because it is usually just inserted between other characters' speech in cutscenes.
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== [[Advertising]] ==
* The Bartles & James wine cooler campaign with Frank Bartles and Ed James (or rather, actors playing them as folksy old men.) They sat on a porch while Frank explained all about their new product, while Ed quietly tinkers with something, admires his handiwork, or sips a wine cooler. Frank monologues constantly put words in Ed's mouth ("Ed says...") -- and Ed may or may not even acknowledge the camera—and ends with "..and thank you for your support."
* In [ this old commercial] for McDonald's from the 1980s, Grimace is able to impress [[Donald Trump]] without saying a word.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
== Anime and Manga ==
* Enryu, a bodyguard/shinigami from a ''[[Bleach]]'' [[Filler Arc]]. One wonders how a [[Silent Bob]] would release his zanpakuto...
** He eventually does, and his voice is approximately four octaves above a seven year old girl's.
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* Freddy from ''[[Cromartie High School]]'' never utters a word (which is why Kamiyama had to give him his name) He seems to communicate mainly through stares. Even when he "sings", he just basically stands there with a mic posing with his mouth open.
* ''[[Gungrave]]'' leaves the impression that this is a result of being dead. But Brandon/Grave was a man of few words his whole life. His videogame incarnation [[Heroic Mime|never speaks]] with only one exception.
* [[ZigzaggingZig-Zagging TropesTrope|ZigzaggedZig-Zagged]] about in the tenth ''[[One Piece]]'' movie. Indigo will mime his ideas and thoughts, and his crewmates act like they understand him for awhile before suddenly getting irritated and yelling at him to actually speak out loud, which he promptly does. When Shiki actually does understand him, he's genuinely surprised.
* ''[[Legend of Galactic Heroes]]'': Admiral Eisenach somehow manages to command a space fleet through subtle hand gestures. When he does speak, his fellow officers are shocked, sometimes claiming they thought he was mute. The narrator even records the exact date he spoke, just as he does for other galaxy-shaking historical events.
* [[One-Scene Wonder|The Radish Spirit]] in ''[[Spirited Away]]'' isn't much of a talker (seeing as he has [[No Mouth]]) but his ominous silence makes Chihiro (and the viewer) very nervous.
* This is the whole idea of ''[[Komi Can't Communicate]]'', the protagonist being a shy girl with an [[Ambiguous Disorder]] that makes her, well, unable to communicate, or at least very reluctant to socialize. When she ''must'' talk, she trembles in fear, as if it is painful to do so. Still, it does seem Hitohito (the male lead, who is also very anti-social) can "read" her very well, as can most of the viewers, seeing as she's the one the plot focuses most on.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
== Comic Books ==
* The voice of Black Bolt of the Inhumans is immensely destructive and so he must never make even the tiniest sound if he's not trying to blow something up real good. However, he's mastered body language so well that he can communicate perfectly - many people are surprised by how well they understand him.
* In ''[[The Sandman]]'' and ''[[Lucifer (comics)|Lucifer]]'', Duma, the Angel of Silence, communicates this way with others. It's implied he might be using a form of [[Telepathy]], or it might just be his angelic/deific companions are experts at reading him.
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* [[Milestone Comics]] has DMZ in the [[Blood Syndicate]]. He only ever says one word, and it's during the [[Crisis Crossover]]. "Damn."
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* In the [[Dead Fic|incomplete]] ''[[Ranma ½]]/[[Sailor Moon]]'' fic ''[ A Boy in the Hand]'' by Dogbertcarroll, Ranma gives this impression in his tuxedoed "Silent Knight" guise. (Subverted, in that he's actually intimidated by how well Tuxedo Mask's flowery speech comes off, and doesn't want to sound stupid.)
== [[Film]] ==
* [[The View Askewniverse|Silent Bob]], [[Trope Namer|of]] [[Captain Obvious|course]]! Since he's played by Kevin Smith (the writer and director of the Askewniverse films), he has the fewest lines to memorize and some of the best dialogue, whether it's getting in a good joke, making with the wisdom, or saving the day. But the majority of the time, he just won't speak, which tends to frustrate Jay, as Bob is taciturn ''and'' the smart one. It never seems to occur to Jay that Bob is usually silent because [[Motor Mouth|Jay never shuts up]] and Bob can't get a word in edgewise.
** Jay, possibly as a result of spending so much time around Bob, doesn't quite believe in the notion that what Bob says is profound just because he's sparing with his words; he finds Bob's speech in ''[[Chasing Amy]]'' (describing an experience of his own that mirrors Ben Affleck's situation and cautioning him against making the same mistake) largely pretentious, and [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshades]] the profundity aspect of this trope.
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* Beef Supreme in ''[[Idiocracy]].''
* Yolanda and Greg in ''Hamlet 2''.
* ''[[Star Wars]]'':
* In the ''[[Star Wars]]'' movies,* R2D2 speaks in an odd binary code than only C3P0 can truly interpret. Still, other characters - and even the viewers - often have no problem figuring out what he's trying to say, or at least his intent.
** Same deal with Chewbacca. Only Han Solo and C3PO can understand Wookie language, but it is nonetheless easy for both the cast and viewers to understand what he's saying.
* Sphinx in the 1990s ''[[Gone in Sixty Seconds]]'' film.
** And yes, this involves both a phone call and the odd eloquence at the end of the movie.
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* [[Villain Protagonist]] Damien from ''[[The Omen]]'' doesn't get all-too much dialogue in the movie. Doesn't need it to be creepy or menacing.
== [[Literature]] ==
* ''[[The Gone-Away World]]'' by Nick Harkaway features an entire troupe of literal [[Heroic Mime]]s, only one of whom ever speaks as he's the designated communicator.
* Mac, the proprietor [[Truce Zone|MacAnally's]] in ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' is a one-syllable sort of guy. It gets to the point that when Mac says a full sentence, Harry is stunned.
{{quote|''"He... used grammar."''}}
*:* In ''Changes'', Mac speaking in full sentences is a strong indication of how high the stakes have become.
* Every member of [[Foundation|the Second Foundation]] is this to each other, although [[Literary Agent Hypothesis|Asimov translates all of their "dialogue" for us]].
* In ''[[Black Company]]'' there's [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Silent]]. He has some kind of vow of silence, which he breaks but once {{spoiler|[[True Name|naming]] the lady and thus sealing her magic power.}}
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* [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|The Auditors]] of the [[Discworld]] are a variation of this. Since speaking is a sign of individuality, which they abhor because it is so disorderly, instead they change reality to make it as if they had already spoken. Except they haven't. Trying to figure this out starts to cause noticeable mental strain for any living being they deal with.
* In most adaptations of ''[[A Christmas Carol]]'', the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come is either mute, responding to Scrooge's inquiries with nods and gestures, or only speaks a few lines.
* Tinkerbell. In the original ''[[Peter Pan]]'' she rarely talks, and in the [[Peter Pan (Disney film)|Disney adaptation]] she doesn't speak at all, at least not in a way the viewers can understand. Still, she often seems to have more personality than many members of the cast.
** This of course changed in the live-action ''[[Hook]]'' where she talks a lot; doubtful [[Julia Roberts]] would have taken a role with no lines.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* Morn from ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]].'' Subversion: he is never shown talking, but other characters frequently comment on how gregarious, funny, charming, etc. he is.
** One early episode actually shows Morn ''screaming'', as part of a violent mob—but he has no audible lines; it's just crowd noise.
** And in keeping with Morn's barfly image, his name is an anagram of NORM[[Cheers|"Norm"]]!
** [[Expanded Universe]] material goes on to establish that, once he gets talking, the trick is getting him to ''shut up''.
** [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Mr. Homn, Lwaxana Troi's valet.]] He speaks exactly one time: "Thank you for the drinks."
** The Silent Bob is actually a [[Planet of Hats|Hat]] for one of the races in in [[Star Trek]]; exemplified by Grand Negus Zek's personal valet Maihar'du who has taken a vow of silence to anyone other than his lord. This is seen as quite common for the Hupyrian species.
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* Silent Keith from the 2010 season of "Canada's Worst Handyman" was one of these.
* Death's skeletons in ''[[Horrible Histories]]''.
* Thing in ''[[The Addams Family]]'' and every adaptation where he appears. Being a living disembodied hand, he has no mouth, and thus cannot speak vocally, but whether it's sign language, Morse code, or simply snapping and pointing, he sometimes seems to have more dialogue than whoever he is conversing with. The [[Netflix]] series ''[[Wednesday]]'' (with its darker nature and TV-14 rating) also gives him an [[Flip the Bird|appropriate way to respond to anyone who insults him...]]
* A common trait of [[Game Show]] models. ''[[MAD]]'' magazine once joked that [[Wheel of Fortune|Pat Sajak]] was likely the only man in show business to constantly be upstaged by [ a woman who never says anything.] In , Witch Bandora's
* In the original ''[[Super Sentai|Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger]]'', Griffozar - [[The Dragon]] to [[Big Bad|Witch Queen Bandora]] - rarely spoke, preferring to let his sword do the talking for him. This often comes as a big surprise to American viewers, seeing as his dub counterpart (fans of ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]'' know him better as [[Breakout Character| Goldar]]) is the type who ''never'' shuts up.
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
* Subverted in ''[[FoxTrot]]'' where Peter is working the refreshment counter at the movie theater, and finds the [ "Ariel with Legs"] cosplayers to be the worst.
== [[Music]] ==
* [[The White Stripes|Meg White]] is the [[Silent Bob]] of that pair. Of course, when she ''does'' speak, it's pure sex in audio form.
== [[Professional Wrestling]] ==
== Professional Wrestling ==
* Ron Simmons of the [[World Wrestling Entertainment|WWE]], leading up to his singular and simple catchphrase: "Damn!"
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* In the ''[[Spelljammer]]'' setting, zodar are mysterious golem-like beings with godlike strength who seem to be made of the same material as [[Wall Around the World|the Crystal Spheres]]. They almost never speak; no zodar has been known to talk more than three times in their millennia-long lifespans, and when it does speak, its words are as sparse and concise as possible. Certainly, when it chooses to speak, what it says is ''very'' important.
== Theater[[Theatre]] ==
* Lucky in ''Waiting for Godot'' is silent through most of the play, until he is asked to 'think', when he issues forth a three page speech of fractured philosophical gibberish.
* In the musical ''[[Once Upon a Mattress]]'', the King has been cursed with muteness. As a result, all his "lines" are delivered by miming. He even features in two '''songs'''!
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* Sheriff Earl in ''[[All Shook Up]]''.
== [[Video Games]] ==
== Video Games ==
* Ward, after becoming permanently mute in ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]''.
* Kimahri of ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' remains silent most of the time, and doesn't say a word for a long time after his initial appearance, so when his mouth opens, you listen.
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{{quote|That's Matthew. He doesn't talk much.}}
== [[Web Original]] ==
* Balabalalde in the "Improfanfic" series ''[ Dark Heart High]'' has so many bandage shaped [[Power Limiter|PowerLimiters]] over his entire body and face, he communicates exclusively by blinking his right eye and moving his head. This is played straight and funny throughout the series.
* Literally every single character on ''[[Happy Tree Friends]]''.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
== Webcomics ==
* Jack from ''[[Penny and Aggie]]'' talks when he needs to, but hardly ever needs to.
** Michelle however is most certainly [ NOT Silent Bob.]
* Punch, one of the Heterodyne Boys' creations and assistants, in ''[[Girl Genius]]'', was unable to speak. Heterodyne shows often characterized him as [ "big, slow, and stupid," but in truth he was smart, strong, loyal, kind, and dignified,] and he and his counterpart Judy had no trouble communicating—or being [[Badass]].
* Mr. Stinky, one of two characters in ''[ Flying Man and Friends]'', does not speak, nor does he use thought bubbles. But Flying Man somehow still manages to carry on conversations with him.
* Ragara Karen from "''[[Keychain of Creation]]"'' traded her voice to Berengire, the Weaver of Voices.
* Viktor in ''[[Lackadaisy]]'' speaks, but communicates more effectively with facial expression. In [ this] preview comic, he and Mordecai have a mild argument. ''Victor never says a word.'' Mordecai reacts ''entirely'' to Viktor's facial expressions.
* Finland from ''[[Scandinavia and The World]]''. He rarely speaks, and if he does, it's Finnish.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* A minor character from the ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' series, called Longshot. He's an [[The Archer|expert archer]] who is part of [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Jet's]] group. At first he's just a background character, but when Jet reappears in Season 2, intent on reforming himself and making a new life, Longshot is one of only two characters from the group with him, and although he never speaks the others frequently react to his looks as though he is. (Often with replies like "That's deep", or "Good point", and so on). Probably a bit of a Silent Bob homage. (Like Bob, he does break his silence, but only at the very end, {{spoiler|when Jet is dying and he tells the main character's group to go ahead of them and catch the [[Evil Chancellor]] responsible}}).
** This trope was specifically mentioned in the ''[[Avatar: The Abridged Series|Avatar the Abridged Series]]'' and called "Silent Bob Syndrome". Because he couldn't object, Jet called him by whatever insulting name he could think up.
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** Perry is an even better example, given that he can't speak, only purr. And, though Doofenhmirtz has shown to be able to understand what he "says", Perry is mostly just understood by facial expressions and some small actions (like greeting with his hat, pointing or even facepalming).
* In ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' episode "Lisa's Wedding", teenage Maggie is described as being a chatterbox - but then she merely rolls her eyes at her father in silence.
** She's also [[Informed Ability|supposed to have an angelic singing voice]], but she gets cut off just as she's preparing to do sosing. All the audience gets is the sound of her inhaling. This is expanded upon in "Holidays of Future Passed" where she is the lead singer in her own rock band, being called "The Voice of Her Generation", but still remaining quiet due to complications of her pregnancy - and clearly fitting the Trope.
** Lampshaded in "Three Gays of the Condo" where Homer says that his only worthwhile creation was Lisa. When Maggie takes offense, Homer replies with "Prove me wrong, Silent Bob."
*** Notably, Maggie has said exactly two words in actually canonical episodes: her first word, "{{spoiler|Daddy}}" and later, "''{{spoiler|Ja}}.''"
*** Don't forget when the kids were fostered by the Flanders and nearly baptized...on the way to the river, Maggie spins her head around alaa la ''[[The Exorcist]]'' and says "Okaley Dokaley!"
*** "Sequel?"
** Maggie can [ Silent Bob with the best of them,] canon be damned.
** "Treehouse of Horror XXXIV" has adult Maggie as {{spoiler| a prison guard and Lisa's accomplice in her revenge against Sideshow Bob. Her sly smile while twirling the keys outside Bob's cell as Lisa brutally stabs him to death is all she needs to "say".}}
* Mr. Funny in ''[[The Mr. Men Show]]''. He only honks during Season 2 of the show run.
* Boomhauer in ''[[King of the Hill]]'' isn't ''silent'', exactly, but his complete and utter unintelligibility goes unnoticed by most characters, especially Hank, who according to Bobby often quotes Boomhauer's wisdom.
* In ''[[Theodore Tugboat]]'', some of the docks are characters who only ever say a certain phrase - like "Uh-huh," or "Nope," which often leads to the character facing a moral dilemma in the story extracting [[Hidden Depths|profound wisdom]].
* Ms. Mimi in one episode of ''[[Angelina Ballerina]]: The Next Steps]]'' communicates with the titular character and her friends through writing notes, head shakes, and music. All- all because she has laryngitis. Early in the episode, a yogurt-selling mouse greets Angelina and Vici by using a bell in his cart and waving his hand on them.
:* UnfortunatelyEnforced (and overlapping with [[True Art Is Incomprehensible]]) in the ''[[Animaniacs (2020 TV series)|Animaniacs]]'' reboot. The Warner siblings visit a museum with a display of performance art: the artist is basically sitting motionless, doing nothing and saying nothing, while the threecurator protagonistsencourages don’tpatrons “getto it”talk (asto inher. Unfortunately, theythe three don’t understand why this is considered art), andwhich [[Cloudcuckoolander|eventually trails off into a starttangent listingof other things they don’t]] get (like why Hawaii has interstate highways or what the best thing was before sliced bread); andthis eventuallygets so annoying that she eventually breaks her silence and starts ranting because she realizes that [[The Cloud Cuckoolander Was Right| ''she'' doesn’t truly “get” it either]].
** In fact, early in the episode, an yogurt selling mouse greets Angelina and Vici by using a bell in his cart and waving his hand on them.
* Enforced (and overlapping with [[True Art Is Incomprehensible]] in ''[[Animaniacs]]'' (2020 version). The warner siblings visit a museum with an odd display of performance art; the artist is basically sitting motionless, doing nohing and saying nothing, while encouraging patrons to talk to her:
{{quote|'''Patron:''' Uh hi, this is kind of awkward. I guess your used to it by now, huh?
'''Artist''' ''(Says nothing)''
'''Patron''' ''(nervous)'': Oh, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m from out of town on vacation! I work at a zoo and… all the animals escaped so… they gave us time off…
'''Artist''' ''(Says nothing)''
'''Patron''' ''(a little angry)'': Of course, my husband thinks it’s ''my'' fault, cause I taught one little monkey how to open his cage! I didn’t know he was going to teach the other monkeys! Heh…
'''Artist''' ''(Still says nothing)''
'''Patron''' ''(flustered)'': Oh, you’re right! I did it because I’m in love with that monkey and I should leave my husband! ''(Gets up and walks off.)''}}
* Ernie the Giant Chicken, Peter's [[Arch Enemy]] on ''[[Family Guy]]''; at least one episode shows he can talk, but he rarely does. Of course, the epic fights between him and Peter don't have much dialogue for Peter either.
:* Unfortunately, the three protagonists don’t “get it” (as in, they don’t understand why this is considered art) and start listing other things they don’t get (like why Hawaii has interstate highways or what the best thing was before sliced bread) and eventually she breaks her silence and starts ranting because she realizes that [[The Cloud Cuckoolander Was Right| ''she'' doesn’t truly “get” it either]].
* In ''[[Samurai Jack]]'', the title character rarely has much dialogue, and many episodes show him going through long scenes without talking at all. More often than not, his actions speak far louder. This is very much in contrast with his [[Arch Enemy]] Aku, who ''[[Evil Is Hammy|never shuts up]]''.
* True for most characters in ''[[Star Wars: Clone Wars]]''. Many of the shorts have little or no dialogue from the cast whatsoever. Not coincidentally, this series was, like the aforementioned ''Samurai Jack'', a creation of [[Genndy Tartakovsky]].
== [[Real Life]] ==
* The ironically -named Teller of illusionist duo [[Penn & Teller]]. Teller is small, silent, subtle and extremely polite, while Penn is a [[Large Ham| big, loud, flashy, long-winded and obnoxious]] type who [[Motor Mouth| never shuts up]]. Penn behaves like this in every public appearance and never breaks character, giving them a unique advantage as magicians: everyone's so used to Penn's distracting behavior, it never occurs to them it's deliberate misdirection.
** Teller does, however, speak freely when he is not "in character", i.e. after shows to fans, in a few film roles, and in print and radio interviews (though in the latter he often jokes that he can't be the real Teller - because, of course, Teller never talks). In stage and television appearances he is always silent, though on some rare occasions he has been shown speaking in documentaries with his face obscured. 
** Additionally, Penn Jillette has said that in their magic shows, Teller talks at least once during every show - but it has to be a gimmick. Things like being inaudible because a loud woodchipper is drowning out his voice, or speaking audibly but while pretending to be an animatronic puppet of himself, or simply arguing with Penn off-mic. Similarly, in their appearance on ''[[Babylon 5]]'' as comedy duo Rebo and Zooty, Teller's character used a device that spoke for him in a synthesized voice.
** This tradition continues in ''[[Penn and& Teller: Bullshit!]]'', too: Penn jokes in one episode about how Teller yells at him a lot. In the opening of another episode, Penn brands Teller, who is just barely offscreen, causing him to scream "MOTHERFUCKER!", and Penn to exclaim "Hey cool, he ''can'' talk!". And the episode on hypnosis starts with Teller speaking in a loud and dramatic voice for a good 35 seconds (he's trying to hypnotize Penn), though he's only seen from the neck down as the camera focuses on Penn lying down.
** To show just how powerful the [[Silent Bob]] effect is: Once, while hosting at a magic convention, they [[Personality Swap|switched roles]]. They were introduced as "Teller & Penn", and Teller spoke while Penn stayed silent. It brought the house down.
{{quote|'''Teller:''' "My name is Teller, and this is my partner Penn Jillette- we are Teller & Penn."
'''Audience:''' *goes wild* }}
* Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who hasn't asked a question of the attorneys before him ''in over three years.''{{when}}
** ''[[Boston Legal]]'' [[Lampshaded]] this when Denny and Alan had to go before the Supreme Court (naturally played by lookalikes). Denny bets Alan that he can't get Justice Thomas to talk. {{spoiler|Alan ends up winning the bet, with his standard behavior that would never fly in a real court.}}
** As of November, 2011, it's now up to almost 5five years.{{verify}}
* American president [[Calvin Coolidge]] (nicknamed "Silent Cal"), who famously was told by a woman at a dinner party that a friend of hers had [[Side Bet|bet her]] she couldn't get Coolidge to say more than two words to her all evening. Coolidge's response? {{spoiler|"You lose."}}
** Or, in Dave Barry's retelling of it: {{spoiler|"Fuck you."}}
* Stage Magician [ Val Valentino] originally performed under the pseudonym "the Masked Magician", a guise where, in addition to the mask used to conceal his face, he never spoke, relying on an announcer to detail his performance.
[[Category:Characterization Tropes]]