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{{tropeUseful Notes}}
The six typical stats of a character. [[Trope Maker|Originating from]] ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' (which later became the [[D20 System]]), they have been passed on into other gaming systems, and even farther into non-RPG media. Characters' stats are often argued about on various forums, in relation to where they would fit according to the typical 1-20 lv1 stat range in most [[RPG|RPGs]]s.
'''[[Strength]]''' - The stat that represents a person's physical power. Used to determine how strong they are and how hard they hit.
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'''Charisma''' - The stat representing a person's force of personality. Used to determine how well someone can influence others by speeches, diplomacy, fear, lying, etc. To a player whose preferred solution is [[Hack and Slash]], this is a [[Dump Stat]]; to a player who likes to roleplay, or wants to run a [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative]] / [[Magnificent Bastard]], it's the stat of choice. So [[Your Mileage May Vary]] on how useless/useful it is.
Stats are usually measured in single-to-double digit numbers, ranging from 1 to 23 as the "human" levels of stats, 1 being the bare minimum and 23 being the utmost attainable after a lifetime of effort and overspecialization; 18 is the peak of "average human" potential. Anything from 24 and up is considered greater-than-mortal.
The original order was Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, and Charisma – and in first edition ''D&D'', you had to roll them in order, using three six-sided dice. No "four dice and discard the lowest", no "assign the rolls in the order you want" (and thus no [[Dump Stat]]), no other mitigations against rolling up a sub-optimal (or, worse, unplayable) character. And [[Stat Grinding]] was unknown to the point of being practically impossible. (Also, 18 was the utmost attainable after a lifetime of effort and overspecialization even in games where Stat Grinding was possible; 19 and up was greater-than-mortal.)
In order to list examples on the wiki, the stats have been broken down into varying tiers as follows
* '''12-15''' - Above Average. Characters whose stats fall into this stat-tier are better than most "normals", meaning they're better than, say,over 50% of everyone else out there.<ref>On the bell curve that plots all possible results of rolling three six-sided dice, the median line falls exactly between 10 and 11. A stat of 11 is by definition better than exactly 50% of everyone else.</ref>
* '''16-19''' - Genius-level. Characters whose stats fall into this stat-tier are considered geniuses, savants, "gifted," what have you. These are your Olympic-level athletes, [[Smart People Play Chess|chess masters]], etc.
* '''20-23''' - Superhuman. Characters who stats fall into this stat-tier are pushing the boundaries of "realistic" to the extreme. Expect movie physics to be evoked for physical feats, while characters on the more intellectual end fall into [[Magnificent Bastard]], and [[Manipulative Bastard]] territories.
* '''24+''' - These characters are just too uber to be real. These are characters who are the paragons of their stats, and who first come to mind when mentioning a stat.
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Note that 11 on down aren't even listed, as "normal" is just too broad a range to cover. For characters whose weakest stat ranges from about 1-5, check [[Dump Stat]].
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