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{{quote|''"If '''[[The Star Wars Holiday Special]]''' was just shit that would be one thing, but it consists of us '''watching other people watch shit.'''"''|'''Alex Jackson'''}}
{{quote|''"[[Bile Fascination|You think it's so legendarily bad that you'll torrent it and sit through it just for the kitschy nerd cred.]] I, too, once thought as you did."''|'''Randall Munroe''', ''[[Xkcd (Webcomic)|Xkcdxkcd]]'' [ #653]}}
{{quote|''"[[Tear Jerker|Come back soon. I'll be waiting.]]"''|'''[[Bea Arthur]]''' as Ackmena.}}
{{quote|'''Helix:''' How about our authorized copy of ''The Star Wars Holiday Special'', signed by George Lucas?<br />
'''Sam:''' Perfect! The one item we've stolen that causes worry when it disappears, and utter panic when it returns to public view.|''[[Freefall (Webcomic)|Freefall]]'', while deciding [[It Makes Sense in Context|what stolen item to sneak back into a museum]].}}
{{quote|''"This review maybe makes it sound like it's so bad it's good, and in some ways I guess it is, but in most other ways it's sort of like putting live hornets in your ass."''|''[ Teleport City]''}}
{{quote|"This is [[George Lucas|the guy]] who said (shows picture of [[The Scrappy|Jar Jar]]) this is ok and (shows picture of ''[[Howard the Duck (Filmfilm)|Howard the Duck]]'') this is ok. Which means ''this'' is the project that he was personally ashamed of. [[Logic Bomb|I'm going to go over it again]]: (shows picture of [[The Scrappy|Jar Jar]]) ok, (shows picture of ''[[Howard the Duck (Filmfilm)|Howard the Duck]]'') ok, (shows picture of the Holiday Special) personally ashamed of." <br />
([[Beat]])<br />
"[[This Is Gonna Suck|There are not enough toliets in the world to contain the amount of shit-spewing fear that I'm going through right now]]." |'''[[The Nostalgia Critic (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Critic]]''' before doing [ his review]. }}
{{quote|''"I hope this doesn't come across as sacrilegious, but... Life Day '''eats!'''"''|'''[[RifftraxRiff Trax|Mike Nelson]]'''}}
{{quote|''"[[Rudolph the Red -Nosed Reindeer|Why was it such a misfit?]] You ''know'' why."''|'''[[Platypus Comix|Peter Paltridge]]''' "reviews" ''The Star Wars Holiday Special'' for his "Island of Misfit Christmas Specials" series}}
{{quote|''"George Lucas once said he wished he could track down every single copy of the Star Wars Holiday Special and smash it to pieces with a sledgehammer. Thanks to the easy breezy modern data transfers of today, that task just got a lot harder. A typical [[YouTube]] search turns up fifty different tapings of the special. Thousands, maybe millions, are watching the horror at any given time around the world. That's a lot of hard drives to smash, George -- better get busy. And honestly, your time would be better spent doing that than whatever you're working on."''|'''[[Platypus Comix]]''', "The Ads of The Star Wars Holiday Special"}}
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