The Stepford Wives: Difference between revisions

(added tropenamer section, cpyedits)
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* [[Phlebotinum Breakdown]]: One of the Wives malfunctions while attending a garden party.
* [[Pyrrhic Villainy]]: One of the few high points in ''Revenge of the Stepford Wives'' was an older Men's Association member revisiting [[My God, What Have I Done?|the painful realization]] of what he had given up by having his wife remade.
* [[Real Life Writes the Plot]]: The original vision of the first movie had the Wives all dressed like "[[Playboy Bunny|Playboy Bunnies]] [[Stripperiffic|sans ears and tail]]". Then director Bryan Forbes cast his actress wife Nanette Newman as one of the Wives, and whatever talents as a thespian she possessed, her physique wasn't remotely up to it, and so all the Wives ended up in long flowing dresses that made them look like [[The Fifties|'50s]] [[Housewife|housewives]]. This may have been for the better, as one of the book's key themes was how the women were unwillingly pressed into domestic servitude and forced to give up their ambitions, and the housewife outfits highlight that much better than the skimpier outfits originally planned would have.
* [[Recycled in Space|Recycled in]] [[High School|HIGH SCHOOL!]]: ''[[Disturbing Behavior]]''.
* [[Ridiculously-Human Robots]]