• Non Sequitur Episode: Every episode. It might as well be a BLAM series (not unlike the original programming that comes on Adult Swim).
  • Cargo Ship: Pretty much inevitable since Everything Talks, but still used really weirdly, much like every other trope in the show.
    • In "Manhattan Triangle", the Chaotic Stupid Bermuda Triangle comes to New York and unleashes random, surreal stupidity everywhere it goes. Felix decides that the triangle just needs some excitement and sets him up with the sultry female Times Square. At the end of the episode, Felix is best man at their wedding.
    • In "Viva Lost Wages", Felix's relationship with the bag of tricks is played as a romance.
    • In "Felix's Gold Score", a sexy lady cactus tries to seduce Felix. It doesn't work since she's...well, a cactus, and in the end she gets paired with a mountain.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The opening is as awesome as it is bizarre. Doubles as an Ear Worm, and a portal into just how weird the show is.