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** Brock Samson as well -- the posterboy for the [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]], as long as the solution is killing something.
** The super-intelligent, incredibly-handsome, fabulously-wealthy, and outwardly-perfect Dr. Jonas Venture. Jonas Jr. skirts this trope but keeps from falling in by being a dwarf who spent several decades being mistaken for a tumor.
* [[Actor Allusion]]: [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice|Kevin Conroy]], who also does the voice of [[Batman]], plays a wealthy superhero who likes to take on young boys as sidekicks.
* [[Added Alliterative Appeal]]:
** Go-Fish's specialties: Aquatic Annihilations, Moist Murders, Sea Slayings, Liquid Lynchings.
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* [[Anachronic Order]]:
** "Blood of The Father, Heart Of Steel". The part of the story focusing on the Venture family is done [[Back to Front]], starting with the climax of the [[Stupid Jetpack Hitler]] plot and running to the start. However, at the same time, we see what's been happening to Brock Sampson; his plot is told in ''normal'' chronological order, and is played in between segments of the Venture family plot. The timeline is established by titles displaying the CGC value of #21's ''Marvel Comics'' #1 and by the length of Hank's hair.
** Season one and two had similar out-of-order problems upon first airing. Phantom Limb's debut episode didn't air originally until the week before "The Trial of the Monarch" when it was supposed to air earlier in the season. Similarly, "Assassinanny 911" originally aired as the third episode of season two when it was originally supposed to air midway through the season, meaning Trianna's friend Kim was shown hanging around before she was to be officially introduced. The later created (temporarily) a [[What Happened to The Mouse?]] scenario as her debut episode (Victor.Echo.November) ended with Kim being given a Guild contact card and Kim proclaiming that she was going to become a villain and torment the Venture Brothers, after Hank kept accusing her of being a super-villain. When aired in proper order, "Assassinanny 911" reveals that she didn't go through with it.
* [[Animal Assassin]]: The Monarch is a fan of these. He sends a tarantula to kill Doctor Venture in his sleep, but it was thwarted by a scorpion sent by Baron Ünderbheit. He also put 21 up to the task of killing Venture's psychiatrist by planting a snake in the air vents of his office. He has also used caterpillars and dangled the Venture family above an amazonian river filled with Candiru fish. Rusty is saved from a cobra in a package by virtue of [[Forgot to Feed The Monster|having left said package on his desk for several months.]]
* [[Animation Bump]]: On top of the to-be-expected [[Art Evolution]], the pilot was, instead of having higher quality animation, animated in ''Adobe Flash''.
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** Brock Samson. The early episodes show him bedding mostly unattractive women and even paying a particularly skanky prostitute. Later he's shown to be more of a memetic sex god, having bedded most of the female characters on the show.
* [[Arbitrary Skepticism]]: Rusty and Dr Orpheus spend the entirety of "Return to the House of Mummies pt II" debating this.
* [[Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?]]: When Brock discovers Dr. Girlfriend in bed, she says something along these lines. Brock declines, still suspecting that she's a post-op transsexual. Dr. Girlfriend is somewhat disappointed and pouts that she's not going to beg.
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]:
** From "Any Which Way But Zeus," various villains must submit to a power inhibitor for a joint hero/villain summit. After reading off a long list of side-effects, one of which is "loss of life."
** Dr Venture's id: "And there shall be laughing! And mirth! And also ass-grabbing!"
* [[Arson, Murder, and Lifesaving]] - Brock gets this once.
* [[Art Evolution]]: The main cast's faces became a lot more detailed by season two, while Dr. Orpheus' face just settled. Backgrounds were more detailed by season three. By season four there is more detail all around and the colors are more vibrant.
* [[Author Appeal]]: In the DVD commentary for the Doc Hammer-written "ORB", Jackson Publick remarks that the script was "a list of stuff Doc likes." Most notably, allusions to late 19th/early 20th century American painters. (Doc Hammer is [ also a painter].)
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* [[Brilliant but Lazy]]: Rusty can be pretty competent when necessary (he's certainly adept at {{spoiler|cloning}}) and weapons of mass destruction. It has been shown however that many of Dr. Venture's inventions are in fact creations of his late father, and sometimes his own modifications to his father's work. It's also implied that Pete White is a skilled scientist as well, though he spends most of his time playing video games and goofing off. However, Pete White's specialty is computers and technology, with most of his hobbies (video games, radio, internet) reflecting that.
* [[Broken Pedestal]]: The series has made a point of showing that Jonas Sr. was really a [[Jerkass]] whose actions either psychologically damaged Rusty or caused incredible amounts of suffering to others.
* [[Buffy -Speak]]: Jefferson Twilight tends to do this a lot. Nik-L-Nips. That is all.
* [[Bungling Inventor]]: Dr. Venture
* [[Buried Alive]]: Brock in "Dia De Los Dangerous"
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* [[Cain and Abel]]: {{spoiler|Dr. Jonas Venture, Jr.}} Though this also has elements of "Jacob and Esau".
* [[Camp Gay]]: The Alchemist, who ironically is the one member of the Order of the Triad who also sees how utterly silly the trappings of super-heroism is and constantly busts Dr. Orpheus's balls whenever he starts taking things way too seriously.
** Most of the members of the aforementioned OSI, who resemble [[The Village People]] and are all very enthusiastic about "hitting the showers" together. Eventually we learn that [[Hello, Sailor!|Shoreleave]] was kicked out of the group for being gay, indicating that the group apparently lives in a [[Transparent Closet]].
{{quote| '''Col. Gathers:''' "Oh yeah? Well, the Village People called, and ''[[Crowning Moment of Funny|and they want you to fucking kill yourself, you prancing bastard!]]"''}}
** In the The Guild flashback, [[Oscar Wilde]], who's referred to by Aleister Crowley as "The ugly queen".
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** Dr. Venture himself has slowly but surely overcome some of his daddy issues. Hand in hand with this is him becoming less callous toward his sons (if more openly vitriolic).
** Henchman 21, following {{spoiler|24's death,}} has become one of the most competent people not just in the Monarch's organization, but in the Guild. He was actually capable of earning praise from Brock Samson {{spoiler|for their fight.}}
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: The writers describe their characterization process as simply writing [[Rule of Funny|whatever was funniest at the time]], then modifying the character afterward so that it comes across as [[Hidden Depths]]. This off-the-wall approach has led to some characters going in wildly different directions - Hank and Dean went from one step short of [[Single -Minded Twins]] to extreme opposites of recklessness and cautiousness; the Monarch went from joke villain to a bad ass villain with character depth to make him one of the most fully developed characters of the series.
** Rusty's characterization has been kept almost completely consistent, however.
* [[Cheated Angle]]: Dr. Girlfriend's hair in the early episodes.
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* [[Den of Iniquity]]: A low-key example of this appears in the fourth season; it's a room inside the Monarch's cocoon where his minions would quietly gather for drinks on their downtime.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: From circumcision to orangutans, the Amazon in the episode "Dr. Quymn, Medicine Woman" looks more like the Malay Peninsula.
* [[Did We Just Have Tea With Cthulhu?]]: Dr. Orpheus is friendly with the lord of the underworld, who prefers the form of Cerberus because he can give himself triple autofellatio. Also, hell in ''[[The Venture Brothers]]'' has [[Divine Comedy|the Ninth Circle]].
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: The Outrider literally does this in "The Better Man."
* [[Disney Villain Death]]: Both {{spoiler|Molotov Cocktease and Monstroso go off a cliff in a limo in the season four finale. The explosion is rather telling.}}
** Still, we [[Never Found the Body|just saw the car explode, not the occupants]].
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: A guy they knew in college {{spoiler|actually his robot clone, the real person was dead}} tries to get back at his college associates for his mistaken belief that they were doing everything they could to separate him from his crush. Rusty has this following gem: "Oh come on! You're going to kill me because I had fake sex on graph paper with a girl who barely spoke to you in real life??"
* [[Distaff Counterpart]]: Dr. Quymn's twin daughters, Nancy and Drew, were [[Word of God|written to be counterparts of Dean and Hank]], but with far more worldliness. Dr. Quymn herself is one to Rusty Venture. Ginnie Dunne fills the spot in comparison to Brock.
* [[Distinguished GentlemansGentleman's Pipe]]: Professor Richard Impossible.
* [[Distressed Damsel]]: The young Rusty Venture, to the point where there's a [[Weird Trade Union|Guild of Calamitous Intent]] bylaw for hostages known as "Rusty's Law".
* [[Documentary Episode]]: "From The Ladle To The Grave:The Story of Shallow Gravy"
* [[Doesn't Like Guns]]: Brock, who will gladly crush you with knives and bare hands instead.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: Hank's reactions to Sgt. Hatred being his new bodyguard clearly resemble those of a stepchild not liking their stepfather. "You're not my real bodyguard!"
* [[Don't Sneak Up On Me Like That]]: This happens with Hank and Brock.
* [[Doomed New Clothes]]: We'll miss you, Butterglider.
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** The Pupa Twins eventually lose their Dragon position to Henchman 21, or as the other henchmen call him, [[Took a Level In Badass|General 21 and two-ton Twenty-one.]]
** Depending on whether or not one sees Rusty as a [[Villain Protagonist]], Brock Samson could also count.
* [[Dressing As the Enemy]]: Attempted by the original Venture Team in ''[[Fem BotFemBot]] swimsuits''.
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Col. Hunter Gathers; Sgt. Hatred; 21.
* [[Dropped a Bridget On Him]]: Inverted in that Dr. Venture never learns Ginny is a woman ''because'' he's not remotely attracted to her.* [[Dude, Not Funny]]: Invoked in-universe when the Monarch accidentally brings cigarettes to King Gorilla's welcome home party. To be fair, he expected the cancer about as much as we did.
* [[Dumbass Has a Point]]: When Dermott gives Dean girl advice, Hank marvels that it was actually ''good''.
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: Deconstructed with Ned Impossible, who was mentally challenged before the freak accident that gave him superhuman strength.
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** Season three also implied that Phantom Limb and Professor Impossible worked under Jonas Venture Sr. as part of group of assistants to his scientific work. Professor Impossible confirms this in season four in a conversation with Dean.
** However, Dr. Orpheus went to "a junior college upstate" where he majored in communications ([[Discworld|Post-Mortem Communications?]]). And the Doctor title was bestowed upon him by a higher power than a mere college professor.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Spinning]]: The Monarch's Death's Head Panoply at the end of season three.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bears]]: That creepy as sin bear supervillain in Bright Lights, Dean City, who frightened the hell out of the Revenge Society's leaders. He's dripping in blood, has a scary costume, never speaks, shows up out of nowhere, and has a knife (identified as Scare Bear in commentary).
* [[Evil Costume Switch]]: {{spoiler|Professor Impossible}} dons a darker outfit following his [[Heel Face Turn]] with Phantom Limb.
** Dr. Venture would have had one in "The Doctor is Sin" if {{spoiler|he had agreed to become a super villain.}}
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'''Master Billy Quizboy:''' Whatever, I was talking about ''[[Fantastic Voyage]]'' anyway. }}
* [[Fastball Special]]: Villanous Example in "Pomp and Circuitry" with {{spoiler|Phantom Limb}} as the ammo and Richard Impossible as the pitcher.
* [[Fem BotFemBot]]: The Leslie Cohen gynoids in "Past Tense".
* [[Fetus Terrible]]: {{spoiler|Jonas Venture Jr., Dr. Venture's fetus-in-fetu parasitic vanishing temporarily evil twin.}}
** As well as Tiny Attorney, inverted as the parasitic twin is a Matlock-esque Southern gentleman and the brains of the operation while the host is an inbred simpleton who doesn't speak.
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* [[Forgot to Feed The Monster]]
** "Okay, who forgot to feed the butterflies?"
* [[Formally -Named Pet]]: The Monarch keeps his old cat, Mister Mostly Mittens, mounted in his dining room. "Mostly," since it had three white paws and one non-white paw.
* [[For Science!]]: Dr. Venture and Professor Impossible both put their scientific work before their families and produce morally unsound creations, like Venture's Joycan, a [[Lotus Eater Machine]] [[Powered By a Forsaken Child]].
** It's important to note that Dr. Venture sees science only as a [[Meal Ticket|means to an end]]; his underlying motivation is [[Money, Dear Boy]], and to a slightly lesser but still very strong degree, recognition. ''How'' he gets there is of little importance to him. Professor Impossible meanwhile is portrayed as a borderline [[Complete Monster]] whose treatment of his wife and son borders on cruelty. At best, he treats them as possessions and not as human beings.
*** Later seasons, however, have implied that both characters have come to take their families for granted as a result of their scientific exploits rather than neglecting to care for them at all; examples are {{spoiler|the mess Dr. Impossible has become as a result of Sally's leaving him in season three}} and {{spoiler|Dr. Venture's arguably greater interest in his sons' well-being after all of their clones are destroyed at the end of that same season}}.
* [[Four -Temperament Ensemble]]: Hank, Dean, Brock, and Dr. Venture.
* [[FrankensteinsFrankenstein's Monster]]: Venturestein
* [[Freak Lab Accident]]: One was involved for Phantom Limb, Dr. Entman/Humongoloid, and Dr. Dugong (if indeed that is not a costume).
** Season one has Baron Ünderbheit suggesting Rusty Venture was responsible for the loss of his jaw during a lab accident, {{spoiler|though it turns out the explosion was caused by the Monarch in an attempt to kill Rusty.}}
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* [[Genre Savvy]]: Almost all of the cast is genre savvy, some (like #21 and #24) dangerously so. In other cases, such as Dean and Hank, they're genre savvy to the point of it interfering with their social lives.
* [[Gentleman Adventurer]]: Colonel Horace [[Meaningful Name|Gentleman]]
* [[Get Out!]]: Final line of a season.
{{quote| '''Captain Sunshine:''' ''Get out of my Sanctum Solarium!''}}
* [[Ghost Pirate]]: Or so it seems, until it proves to be a hoax by not-so-ghostly pirates.
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* [[Good Costume Switch]]: Seargent Hatred not only switches to a venture compound suit, he also removed the H tattoo on his face and replaces it with a V tattoo.
** Better, it used to say HATRED down his front, he removed all but the D because that one was "in a tender area".. so now it just says.. VD...
* [[Good News, Bad News]]
{{quote| '''Gathers:''' Do you want the bad news or the good news first?<br />
'''Brock:''' I don't know, the good I guess.<br />
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* [[Heel Realization]]: {{spoiler|Dr. Venture}} in "The Doctor Is Sin".
* [[Helicopter Pack]]: In "Hate Floats" Brock Sampson and Phantom Limb find a couple of them.
* [[Heroes -R -Us]]: The OSI, technically.
* [[Heroic Albino]]: [[Meaningful Name|Pete White]]. Well, okay, he's kind of a loser, but still. And let's not even get into his old coke habit...
** [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|An albino doing coke]]...
* [[Heroic Sociopath]]: Brock, Molotov, etc.
* [[Hero of Another Story]]: Inverted for a villain with Sergeant Hatred. He was originally a catch-all for whenever another villain needed to be mentioned, particularly for 21 and 24 to steal stuff from. He eventually gained a a few [[Shotacon|unsavory quirks]] from offhand mentions before he debuted in the series proper and was integrated into the main cast.
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** Tim Tom and Kevin
** Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer
* [[Highly -Conspicuous Uniform]]: The Monarch's [[Mooks]] wear bright yellow uniforms with ridiculous oversized butterfly wings on the back.
** [[Lampshaded]] in season four when 21 complains that their uniforms make them stand out without actually providing any protection and that the non-retractable wings make it difficult to get through all the tapered doorways in the Cocoon.
* [[Hilariously Abusive Childhood]]: Everyone in Dr. Venture's therapy group, which consists of expies of Robin, Jonny Quest, and the Hardy Boys. They even refer to him as "Johnny".
* [[Historical in In-Joke]]: The ghost of Abraham Lincoln pins {{spoiler|Colonel Manstrong}} in a full nelson, referencing Lincoln's past as a wrestler.
* [[Hollywood Nerd]]: Henchman #21, whose "weapons arsenal" consists of replicas, collectibles, and Hulk Hands.
** Jean-Claude LeTueur is a handsome and extremely wealthy assassin whose last known whereabouts were the San Diego Comic Con; when asked by customs at the airport whether he had anything to declare, he shouted "Excelsior!"
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* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: The Monarch and the Ghost Pirate Captain, the latter being a parody of ''[[Scooby Doo]]'' villains (at first).
* [[Ink Suit Actor]]: A sort of inverted example, the duo Pete White and Billy Quizboy look a lot like creators Doc Hammer and Chris McCulloch (AKA Jackson Publick), with added deformities. Inverted because each character is voiced by the ''other'' voice actor. Whether the in-joke stops there or extends to a mechanism for Doc and Chris to poke fun at each other is uncertain, you'd have to know them to tell I s'pose.
* [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja]]: Judging by the boys' recollections and Brock's flashbacks, a good chunk of the family's adventures.
* [[In the Future We Still Have Roombas]]: H.E.L.P.eR.
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: Averted. When the Outrider tries to convince Dean to think like this Dean shoots right back {{spoiler|You know what I think, Fuck You}}
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* [[Love Freak]]: King Gorilla. The only reason he helped the Monarch escape from prison was in the name of love.
* [[Love Redeems]]: [[Word of God]] states that the Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend are meant to be a subversion: they have a functioning and loving relationship while still being irredeemably evil villains who kill people at the drop of a hat. The prevalence of the trope combined with the [[Comedic Sociopathy|hilarious]] and [[Crosses the Line Twice|over the top]] nature of their [[Moral Event Horizon]] moments make it a little hard to realize that this is happening.
* [[Luke, You Are My Father]]: Dermott has told at least one person that he is {{spoiler|Brock Samson}}'s long lost son. It's revealed that {{spoiler|Dr. Venture is actually his father.}}
* [[Lyndon Johnson]]: The characters Lady Hawk Johnson and Lyndon Bee.
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{{quote| '''Hank:''' I'm gonna take my shot now. I have it figured out that if I can just skim pop's belt buckle, maybe the bullet will ricochet off it and kill the guy with the gun!"<br />
'''Sergeant Hatred:''' Hank, I will give you ''so much money'' to ''not'' shoot your dad. }}
* [[Magic Versus Science]]: The rivalry between Doctor Venture and Doctor Orpheus that comes to a head with the [[Two Lines, No Waiting]] challenge to shrink themselves. {{spoiler|Dr. Orpheus ends up quitting because his master tells him how, philosophically, he's already as small as he can get in comparison with the vastness of the universe. Venture wins by default because Orpheus was the bigger man in admitting his failure, faster than Rusty could say he couldn't fix his father's shrink ray even with Pete and Billy's help.}}
* [[Man Child]]: Captain Sunshine.
* [[A Man Is Not a Virgin]]: Rusty is embarrassed about not losing his virginity until he was 24. Billy Quizboy was ridiculed for being a virgin in his mid-30s, until season four, when {{spoiler|Monstroso treated him to three prostitutes as part of the payment for Monstroso's heart transplant.}} As of season four, ladies and gentlemen, {{spoiler|Hank had sex. With his best friend's hot mom. Who was knocked up at age 15 by Rusty Venture. And then got his memory wiped because remembering that last bit was too much to bear.}}
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** {{spoiler|Agents Doe and Cardholder for the Guild}} in OSI.
** {{spoiler|Sky Pilot/Mile High for the OSI}} in SPHINX
* [[Mixed Metaphor]]: Fairly common, due to the prevalence of [[Buffy -Speak]].
{{quote| Phantom Limb: "Let the rats desert the ship. It's the big-fish-rats we're after."}}
* [[Motionless Makeover]]: In "O.R.B.", Hank and Dean cover Orpheus in toilet paper while he's astral projecting, which freezes his body.
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* [[Not So Different]]: [[Villain Protagonist|Rusty]] and the Monarch, stated by Dr. Girlfriend.
** [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] when Phantom Limb is about to begin a speech about how [[Not So Different]] he and Brock are, but Brock cuts him off, saying he knows that speech well enough from hearing it every time.
* [[Not -So -Harmless Villain]]: The Monarch. Do ''not'' screw around with the king butterfly, man.
** Pretty much called out in "The Lepidopterists" where not playing by Guild rules to satisfy their crazy supervillain games ends up getting a lot of people dead. When bored supervillains don't have heroes to play stupid games with they tend to commit real crimes.
* [[Obliviously Evil]]: Dr. Venture never seemed to realize that his huge accumulation of horrible deeds could qualify him as a "bad person."
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* [[Overly Long Gag]]: "We are about to engage...THE NOZZLE."
* [[Overshadowed By Awesome]]: As more time passes with Sgt. Hatred as the Venture bodyguard, we get to see that he actually has some competence, but it's all too easy to compare him to [[Badass|Brock]].
* [[Paper -Thin Disguise]]: Despite the fact that Jonas Venture Senior is a 6'2" white guy claiming to be "Japanese man from the village of Japaninawa", despite dressing like a Chinese person and holding the outer corners of his eyes with his fingertips to make them look slanted, and despite Scaramantula explicitly pointing these facts out, he never fully realizes that he's talking to the man he's planning on blackmailing.
** Also, Hank in "Showdown at Cremation Creek":
{{quote| '''Hank:''' Hello-ski! I am, how you say? Russian Guyovitch!}}
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* [[The Power of the Sun]]: Captain Sunshine's gimmick.
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: Orpheus's Master is a shape-shifter and [[Genre Savvy|well aware]] of the benefits. First demonstrated when he takes the form of Cerebus and lets one of his three heads continuously lick his genitals, which he admits to loving (but can also taste, which is maddening). Then later when he takes the form of Catherine the Great's horse (a scene that was mostly cut), and finally [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] when he takes the form of Orpheus's surprisingly ''still'' hot ex-wife and claims he's going to jump rope naked in front of a mirror, in her body, after Orpheus leaves. "I mean would you look at these breasts? You could ''bounce a penis'' off these!"
* [[Precision F -Strike]]: Dean launches one at the end of Operation P.R.O.M.
* [[Previously On]]: Parodied in "Return to the House of Mummies Part II", where the five minute [[Previously On]] is all that exists of Part I. Ends with an [[On the Next]] for a Part III which we never get to see either.
** In "Showdown at Cremation Creek Part 2," there is a [[Previously On]] which basically shows the major events of the previous episode in super-fast motion, ending with the scene of the cliffhanger, played normally.
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* [[The Rashomon]]: In "Victor. Echo. November.", three completely different origin stories are given for Phantom Limb by various characters and all of them involving Billy Quizboy somehow. In 'The Invisible Hand of Fate" Limb's origin is revealed and [[Continuity Nod|did indeed involve Billy]].
* [[Reconstruction]]: Much of the second and third seasons were spent lampshading the utter ludicrousness of the Guild of Calamitous Intent and the Office of Strategic Intelligence's secret costumed battle for supremacy, showing them both to be hidebound, ossified and frankly, quite ineffectual. Eventually, certain members of OSI saw through this and decided enough was enough, dug out some old equipment, and thus SPHINX was (re)born, as a more dynamic alternative focused on actually eliminating threats (costumed and otherwise) and not maintaining a BS status quo.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Between the two most recent Venture body guards. To illustrate, Brock is a fit, [[Knife Nut]] and man of few words, Sgt. Hatred on the other hand is an overweight, pistol wielding fellow who talks a lot.
* [[Red Right Hand]]: This one is extremely common on the show. Almost every single villain, and a sizable fraction of the heroes, have some kind of freakish physical trait. Notable examples are Phantom Limb, whose arms and legs are invisible, and Scaramantula, who has ''eight'' fingers on his right hand and wears a rubber four-legged spider on his nose (with his eyebrows and mustache forming the other four legs).
* [[Red Shirt]]: [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] incessantly by Henchmen #21 and #24 with Henchman #1.
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* [[Scary Black Man]]: Mandelay, Mr. Brisby's bodyguard, who dwarfs even Brock in size and is just as intimidating.
* [[Science Hero]]: Every Dr. Venture except Rusty.
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: Mandaley does this just after Brock returns. He immediately breaks his usual silent personality, says he isn't paid enough and simply leaves.
** During the season three finale {{spoiler|Brock quits his job at the OSI as a secret agent ''and'' his job for Venture as a bodyguard because he can no longer stand all the weird, jacked-up crap he has to deal with on a daily basis.}}
** 21 does this at the end of Season 4, seemingly fed up with the Monarch and just leaves.
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* [[Shout Out]]: Has its [[The Venture Brothers (Animation)/Shout Out|own page]].
* [[Shown Their Work]]: The stolen Rembrandt painting that Phantom Limb tries to sell to a Mafioso is a real painting that is currently missing.
* [[Silence, You Fool]]: The Council of Thirteen in the season three opener. Lampshaded when the first council member to shout it out has to explain himself to one of his confused comrades ("I was just trying to sound intimidating."), then subverted when another member attempts it and repeatedly screws up the timing ("Ok, you need to do that when SHE'S talking.").
* [[Simple Country Lawyer]]: Tiny Attourney
* [[The Sixties]]: Most of the characters are drawn from the books, comics, movies, and cartoons of that decade, but with [[Deconstruction|modern twists]].
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* [[Straight Gay]]: The Alchemist and Colonel Gentleman.
{{quote| '''The Alchemist:''' ''But being a magic super hero that keeps chasing the same guy? It's completely gay. That is coming from a guy that voluntarily has sex with men!''}}
** Apparently inverted with born-again Holy Diver and Sky Pilot, who are allegedly Gay Straight, but he revealed later that it was a cover-up and that he actually is still [[Camp Gay|very, very gay]]. Hell, [[Hello, Sailor!|he's in the navy]].
* [[Straw Feminist]]: Ginny, Dr Quymn's bodyguard.
* [[Sweet On Polly Oliver]]: Baron Ünderbheit mistakenly attempts to marry Dean when he is dressed as Slave Leia.
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* [[Try Not to Die]]: Brock actually says this to Hank in the season two finale.
* [[Twinmaker]]: {{spoiler|The Venture twins}} enjoy immortality through cloning until the season three finale, when their clones are used as an army during an attack on the Venture compound.
* [[T -Word Euphemism]]: From the first episode:
{{quote| '''Hank:''': "Ah, double dammit!"<br />
'''Dean'''': "Hank! You said the double-D word!" }}
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* [[The Unintelligible]]: H.E.L.P.eR
* [[Unknown Rival]]: The Monarch, until the end of the first season.
* [[The Un -Reveal]]: The reason why the Monarch hates Dr. Venture so much has yet to be revealed, leading to much speculation from both fans and characters. In one episode, the Monarch begins to reminisce about the first time he felt hatred for Venture, and the screen begins to get wavy as if we're going to a flashback... only it turns out things look wavy because {{spoiler|his wings are on fire thanks to the laser security system at the Venture Compound}}, and he interrupts his own reminiscence to mention this.
** In a much earlier episode, Dr Venture says he's going to get the boys a new mommy. When Dean points out they don't know anything about their mom, Rusty scratches his chin and ponders, "That's right, I never really told you boys about her..." but is interrupted by car honking and leaves on a date before going any further.
* [[Urban Legends]]: Kidney theft is a major plot point in "Dia De Los Dangerous" as well as the chupacabra. There are apparently ''tons'' of them.
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* [[We Hardly Knew Ye]]: Speedy. Poor little guy. He was ''this'' close to earning his wings.
* [[Weird Trade Union]]: The Guild of Calamitous Intent
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: Rusty toward Jonas Venture. This is implied with Hank - when [[The Ace|Dr Killinger]] comes to take over the Venture compound, he hangs out with Hank, encouraging him with sports and other physical activity. Season four gives us {{spoiler|D-19, a deformed clone of Dean who Rusty flushed away when he didn't come out right (though unknown to him he survived). Poor guy end up having delusions of a imaginary Rusty talking to him and trying to make a body suit out of the skin of the deceased Dean clones.}}
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?]]: Everybody but Brock.
** #21 donning his henchmen uniform while humming ''Mars, the Bringer of War'' and providing his own sound effects. Then, when #24 shows up and sings along with him, it becomes an instant [[Crowning Moment of Funny]].
** '''Doctor Byron Orpheus!''' and The Order of The Triad
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** [[Led Zeppelin (Music)|Led Zeppelin]] (according to H.E.L.P.eR, at least).
** Dr. Zin Of ''[[Jonny Quest (Animation)|Jonny Quest]]'', who revels in acting out as a [[Large Ham]] to the benefit of younger villains and heroes and to entertain kids.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: We never really find out exactly what Doctor Girlfriend said to Monarch at the end of season two.
** This happens a ''lot.'' A lot of subplots are resolved just by virtue of the episode ending: Doc getting stuck in a wall, Doc and Sgt. Hatred being busted by the police while Hank runs away, Phantom Limb's fate at the end of "The Revenge Society," and the entire B-plot of "Return to the House of Mummies Part 2" ([[Don't Explain the Joke|of course, that was the point.]]) Usually helped out by [[Rule of Funny]], as many of these resolutions are either boring or [[Noodle Incident|funnier in the audience's imagination]].
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart Anyway]]: Manic 8-Ball, whose only power seems to be the ability to respond with Magic 8-Ball answers in his chest instead of speech.
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*** And Fat Chance was actually the ''best'' candidate of the [[Terrible Interviewees Montage]] from the Revenge Society's hiring process. One had the power of Polygamy and another the power to grow by ''barely an inch'', Phantom Limb had to squint to even notice the difference.
* [[What the Hell Dad]]: Especially when Sgt. Hatred is their bodyguard.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Dr. Thaddeus Venture is a supposed good guy, and yet a lot of the things he does disturbs and disgusts the people around him. He has:
** Created the Joy Can, a [[Lotus Eater Machine]] [[Powered By a Forsaken Child]]. Dr. Orpheus is suitably disgusted with this information.
** Revived a dead [[Mook]] and started planning on Frankensteining more dead people in order to use them as cheap labor, only to change his mind via a phone call with the military and eschew the plan in favor of using the "Venturesteins" as what ammounts to ''zombie suicide bombers''. Brock Samson was quite disturbed at this.
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** They ''all'' do it with two fingers raised in a "V," but only the two Venture-brothers do it by touching their V'ed fingers together in a victory celebration ''after'' the adventure; meanwhile only the original Team Venture simply raises their fingers when they're about to join together in a battle.
* [[Why Am I Ticking]]: Hank in "Ice Station Impossible".
* [[Will They or Won't They?]]: Dean and Triana. {{spoiler|They won't. Probably.}} Brock and Molotov. {{spoiler|Being that Molotov fell off a cliff in a vehicle that exploded, probably won't.}}
* [[Wimp Fight]]: ''Any'' time that Hank or Dean gets into a fistfight.
** ''Except'' that one time Dermott is being rude to Triana, and Dean ''kicks his ass.'' Brock beams with pride when he does.
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{{quote| '''Jefferson Twilight''': [To Dr. Orpheus, regarding why Orpheus doesn't want him and the Alchemist to see his master. Note that Jefferson is black.] Yeah, tell the truth. You're embarrassed of us, aren't you? It's 'cause The Alchemist's gay, isn't it?<br />
'''Doctor Orpheus''': No, it's because you soiled yourself... ''and'' he's gay. }}
* [[You're Insane!]]: Inverted when Phantom Limb is talking to a member of "The Revenge Society", who are all inanimate objects, in front of Guild Councilman Red Mantle (who has Councilman Dragoon's head sewn onto his shoulder) and Billy (who has been stuffed inside a potato sack):
{{quote| '''Billy''': Why can't I hear them?<br />
'''Red Mantle''': Because you are ''sane!'' }}