The Walking Dead (TV series): Difference between revisions

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** And again by Shane when dispatching a group of walkers on the farm.
* [[Sink or Swim Mentor]]: Shane to Andrea, when teaching her how to shoot moving targets. When they're surrounded by walkers, and Shane's doing all the legwork in keeping them at bay, Andrea can't land a single head-shot. When one walker gets close to her, Shane aims at it, then lowers his weapon to force her to defend herself. Her initial response is an angry and incredulous, "Seriously?!"
* [[Slept Through the Apocalypse]]: Rick. Morgan gets him up to date, explaining that the world has been overrun with zombies and that if you get bitten you'll become one of them.
* [[Soft Glass]]: Averted in the season finale when they try to break open the {{spoiler|glass windows of the CDC}}. They spend about a minute trying to break it {{spoiler|until they use a grenade to blow it up}}.
** Also averted when Glenn attempts to break the glass of a revolving door. Glenn assures Nicholas that the glass will eventually break, but Nicholas just doesn't listen to him and he leaves both Noah and Glenn to die.
* [[Spared by the Adaptation]]: {{spoiler|Shane}}, though it turns out to be simply delayed. {{spoiler|He survives past where he was killed in the comic, only to die toward the end of Season 2}}.
* [[Spoiler]]: The details of the Blu-Ray release of the second season were released before Season Two was over. The blurb said that the release included {{spoiler|Shane's last episode}}. [ Non spoiler news story here.]
** Abraham's death is delayed slightly as well. He ends up falling victim to Negan instead of Dwight.
* [[Spotting the Thread]]: Daryl figures out that {{spoiler|it isn't really his brother Merle}} talking to him because {{spoiler|he still has [[Life or Limb Decision|both his hands]]}}.
* [[Sugar Bowl]]: Subverted with Alexandria. There turns out to be a huge amount of walkers not far from the city, which threaten to overrun the city even when it seems to be peaceful. One should never take peace for granted on the show.