The Woobie/Oral Tradition: Difference between revisions

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* The Blessed Virgin Mary is sometimes this to Catholics. While they believe that She is very powerful and strong, having even [[Satan]] himself fear her, you can't possibly read about Her apparitions at Fatima without crying and wanting to spread devotion towards Her so that She may be loved. And then we find out that very few people actually listened to Her, thereby hindering her chances at having more children and bestowing graces upon them.
** She also had to watch her son die a painful and humiliating death for something he was innocent of. She also grew up in poverty.
* Orpheus is the premier Woobie of [[Greek mythologyMythology]] (if not in fiction in general). If heHe expressed such sadness after his wife's death that even Hades wept for him.
* Hephaestus needs a hug. Stable, hard-working guy who's horribly ugly, born crippled, kicked out of Mount Olympus, possibly by his own mother, married to the goddess of beauty who never cared about him.
** Played straight in ''[[God of War]] 3''. Even [[Heroic Sociopath|Kratos]] was disgusted by the Olympians' treatment of him and his "daughter."
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* Osiris from [[Egyptian Mythology]]. The poor guy was tricked and murdered by his brother, and later had his corpse torn apart by him too.
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