Theme Naming: Difference between revisions

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=== [[Literature]] ===
* Dwarfish names in ''[[Discworld]]'' were loosely based on a mixture of Tolkien and Norse mythology, then turned up to eleven (Glod Glodsson, Snori Snoriscousin, Grabpot Thundergust, etc.) This has beenwas toned down in recentlater books, possibly due to dwarfs becoming a more serious immigration metaphor for various minority groups.
** Some dwarfs are also named after emotions, as a ''[[Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)|Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs]]'' reference (Cheery Littlebottom). And the ones who invented the printing press in ''[[Discworld/The Truth|The Truth]]'' are all named after fonts.
* In ''[[Harry Potter]]'', most (though not all) members of the Black family are named after stars or constellations, with some more distant relatives, like Draco Malfoy and his son Scorpius, also following the tradition.
** Most of the women are named after flowers: Lily, Petunia, Fleur, Narcissa.., and so on.
* In Nina Kiriki Hoffman's book ''[[A Fistful of Sky]]'', the five kids in the [[La Zelle]] family are all named after minerals or precious stones. The girls are named Opal, Gypsum, and Beryl, while the boys are named Jasper and Flint. It is implied that this is a family tradition, as they have cousins named Amethyst and Chalcedony. It is also implied that each generation of the family has a different theme for names, as the mother Anise and the mother's sister Hazel are named for plants.
* [[J. R. R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]]'s Middle-earth world makes much use of Theme Naming and its various subtropes, ranging from family members being given related names, to naming conventions of dynasties of the general public.
* Likewise in ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'', uses employs Theme Naming to differentiate the ethnic, cultural and familiar differences between its [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]
* ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]''. A lot of the werewolves have [[The Bible|biblical]] names: Jacob, Leah, Seth, Samuel, Paul...
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=== [[Live -Action TV]] ===
* ''[[Lost]]'' has a bunch of names derived from Jacob like Jack, James and of course Jacob himself. Also Benjamin was the son of the Biblical Jacob.
** There are also several characters named after philosophers—John Locke, (Desmond) David Hume, Mikhail Bakunin, Danielle Rousseau, etc..