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* ''[[Fear Effect]]'' and its prequel. Also one of the first examples of lesbians in video games.
* Rynn from ''[[Drakan]]'' and ''Drakan: Gate of the Ancients'', but only in certain outfits. Likewise for many other third-person adventure games in this vein.
* Averted with Jade of ''[[Beyond Good and& Evil (Videovideo Gamegame)|Beyond Good and Evil]].'' She's athletic and knows a bit of [[She Fu]], but she dresses practically, her breasts are entirely proportional to the rest of her body, and the most seductive thing she does over the course of the game is stretch in an [[Idle Animation]].
* Ayumi in ''X-Blades''.
* The titular character of ''[[Kameo: Elements of Power]]''. The "Hover" ability serves two functions: 1) traveling quickly over small obstacles, and 2) upskirt shots galore.
* Like many MMORPG, many guys like to choose a female as their hunter in [[Monster Hunter]]. It helps that there are so many armor outfits in this game and that females hunters just look so much more sexy in many of them.
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* ''Kurenai'' (Red Ninja in EU/US releases) has the eponymous character walking around in a red kimono with nothing else underneath but a black [[Thong of Shielding|thong]]. Justified in that she can deliberately use this to charm the guards, but with only a 50% chance of success.
** Wouldn't that only make it [[Incredibly Lame Pun|half-justified]]?
* Although ''[[MirrorsMirror's Edge]]'' had every element needed for this trope, its creators choose to avert it by making it 1st person. Also, while the heroine is quite attractive, she's dressed in very practical parkour wear with little fanservice element. Her spare, athletic figure is also a departure from the usual exaggerated hourglass, and her tattoo can be off-putting
** When they were shown a [[Unfortunate Implications|"Fan Improvement"]] of the main character (which gave her [[Gag Boobs|bigger breasts with no bra]], less [[Race Lift|Asian-looking eyes]], and softer jawline) - the developers were more or less pissed and described the "improvement" as a twelve year old with a boob job.
* [[Ms. Fanservice|Rachel]] from ''[[Ninja Gaiden]] Sigma''. You can even change her hairstyle to your liking, because we all know such things are important when slaughtering enemies with a giant axe.
== [[Beat'Em Up]] ==
* ''[[Bayonetta]]'' takes this to its logical conclusion; her magical hair forms her costume, and is used for her attacks. This means that parts of her clothing disappear during attacks, and her finishing moves render her entirely naked aside from just enough coverage to keep it from getting an AO rating. The pure absurdity of the sex appeal on display in the trailers alone - never mind the final product - was almost certainly intentional on the part of the development team, many of whom are Clover refugees. [[Okami|Knowing]] [[God Hand|their]] [[Viewtiful Joe|previous]] [[Mad WorldMadWorld|work]], they seem quite happy taking [[Refuge in Audacity]] and keeping a self-mocking sense of humor throughout.
* April O'Neil in the ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the Arcade Game|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' arcade game, in which winks to the player during the attract sequence. Likewise, she also winks to the player at the end of ''[[Turtles in Time]]''.
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== [[Hack and Slash]] ==
* ''[[Dynasty Warriors]]''' Zhen Ji, ''[[Samurai Warriors]]''' Lady Noh. Diao Chan is somewhat a seductress but only when the pseudo-historical storyline calls for it.
* Nariko of ''[[Heavenly Sword]]'' for the [[PSPlay Station 3]], with the usual perfect figure, long flowing red hair, armour that amounts to a two-piece, and acrobatic attacks that are shown in slow motion for good measure.
== [[MMORPG|MMORPGs]] ==
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** ''[[Guild Wars]]''. Every female character is well endowed. Mesmers in their [[Gorgeous Period Dress]] tend to skirt the safe side of this trope's boundary, and the Monk, Warrior, and Ritualist all have their particular [[Stripperific]] sets, but the Paragon and Elementalist indulge in such attire as a matter of course-the Elementalist in particular begins play wearing a miniskirt, knee-high boots, and what can only be described as a long-sleeved bra. The vast majority of the Elementalist's later armor isn't much better, if at all.
* The Witch Elves in ''[[Warhammer Online]]''. They start off in a bikini and work their way up to a [[Chainmail Bikini]], but wearing more than a square foot of clothing is apparently an [[Religion of Evil|abomination unto Khaine]]. Just staying true to the [[Warhammer]] universe, of course.
** They at least ''try'' to [[Hand Wave|justify it]] in-universe: they don't wear bulky, heavy armor because their fighting style is based on [[Fragile Speedster|running and jumping around while stabbing things]]; the large amount of skin (along with spells/pheremones) can be [[Distracted Byby the Sexy|disarming to their enemies]]; and finally the only reason their entire society is devoted to [[War God|Khaine]] instead of [[Sense Freak|Slaanesh]] is that Khaine is at least conducive to a well-functioning military. Not to mention the fact that they literally [[Blood Bath|bathe in blood]] as part of [[Immortality Immorality|a magic ritual to maintain their youth]]. The more of it they can [[Blood Splattered Warrior|get on their bare flesh in battle]], the better. Of course, this is more "the creators explaining the solutions" rather than "the characters solving problems."
* Action-MMORPG'' [[Vindictus]]'' plays this completely straight and self-aware. Of the three characters types available at launch, two are female (two more male characters are released later) -- tank Fiona, and [[Cute Witch]] Evie. Along with this, there are a few other indications that the devs deliberately ratched up the [[Fan Service]] levels:
** Character creation only allows two adjustments to physical appearance (aside from the usual hairstyle and eye colour) -- height and breast size. While breast size is kept within realistic bounds, the developers are very fond of their [[Jiggle Physics]]; and exaggerated bouncing acompanies nearly every movement, regardless of how small the character's bust.
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** Note while these situations are explains of such and more recent series have started to emphasize it, Samus herself was never designed for this purpose originally. Her gender was even intentionally obscured in the original game in order.
* The [[Stripperiffic]] heroine of the [[PC 98]] ''[[Castlevania]]'' clone ''Rusty''.
* ''[[Alice: Madness Returns]]'' features a much more viscerally-titillating [[Elegant Gothic Lolita]] that is Alice. Eye-liner, crimson lips, petite waist... Some DLC dresses accentuate certain features of Alice more so than the default dress.
** Her London outfit? It does help that all other human [[Non-Player Character|NPCs]] in the real world possess more grotesque physiques to contrast.
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** Brainstorming for the Handmaiden apparently went "take plot relevance, add [[White-Haired Pretty Girl|white hair]] and good looks, mix in some underwear-clad wrestling matches..."
* ''[[Even the Guys Want Him|All]]'' of the [[Player Characters]] in [[Jade Empire]] count, but [ Wu the Lotus Blossom] has to take the cake.
* The second and third [[Mass Effect]] games began applying this trope. While in the first it was pretty subtle, the second game throws subtlely right out the window, with love interests getting quite a bit of interesting camera time, and the absence of the heavy armor from the first game in favor of tight outfits that resemble [[Spy Catsuits]] and kinky gear. Even [[Player Character|Shepard]] got in on the act. His\her face can be customized, but the body and default looks are nothing to be sneezed at, at all. Throw in how nice s\he looks in the armor, [[Badass in Aa Nice Suit|several]] optional [[Little Black Dress|outfits]] and some of the camera angles and Shepard qualifies.
** The third game recognizes this, with promo images and videos portraying a little [[Hotter and Sexier|redesign]] for female Shepard, showing her as fearsome, awesome and viciously hot.
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== [[Survival Horror]] ==
* Through half of ''[[Resident Evil 4]]'', the main character is followed around by Ashley, a 20-year old woman in a tight sweater, who is also a playable character for one chapter. Players who beat the game, start anew, and select the "special" cop outfit for Leon will discover Ashley in a special outfit of her own, featuring substantial cleavage and very tight pants.
** Averted in the [[PSPlay Station 2]]/Wii ports, where Ashley gets another alternate costume that's a suit of armor. Not some sexy [[Breast Plate]] costume, either, but a full suit of medieval plate armor. Not very sexy, but on the plus side, it makes her invulnerable.
** Played Straight with Ada in a [[oipao]], who can also be controlled in her own side-story. When she was introduced in ''[[Resident Evil 2 (Video Game)]]'' she was wearing [ this] as the attack started while she was at a dinner party. In ''[[Resident Evil 4]]'' she's dressed like [ this]... because that's how all spies dress.
** Jill Valentine's tube top and miniskirt from ''Nemesis''. Or her [[Spy Catsuit]] in ''5''.
*** In the ''[[Resident Evil 1]]'' remake, you can unlock Jill's miniskirt outfit from ''RE 3'', allowing upskirt shots in several cutscenes.
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== [[Third-Person Shooter]] ==
* ''[[Blood Rayne]]'' has the half-vampire Rayne, in the 1940s, wearing an outfit that resembles latex fetish wear. She recovers health by latching on to enemies and sucking their necks. She has a tendency to pole-dance through jumping puzzles.
* Vanessa Z Schneider of ''[[PN P.N.03]]'' is, more or less, a heavily sexualised female version of the Storm Troopers from ''[[Star Wars]]''. Her shapely rear is heavily emphasised by the tight-fitting outfits, her hips wiggle more emphatically with each level of autofire the player gains, and she curls her limbs every which way when doing her "smart bomb" attacks. Oh, and the "expert" costume (maximum abilities, zero defense) consists of a high-tech sports bra, [[Thong of Shielding|thong]], and kinky boots.
* Mona in ''[[Max Payne 2]]''.
* ''[[Bullet Witch]]'' is this.
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* Averted in ''[[Mercenaries]]: Playground of Destruction''. Jennifer Mui wears a bulky jacket and stirrup pants in the first zone and instanced dungeons, and a jean jacket and jeans in the northern province. Her midriff below the jacket is covered in a shirt, and while there is hip movement while she walks, it is neither exaggerated, nor is she especially well endowed.
** In the sequel, it is played straight and [[Lampshaded]] by Mui herself. One of her costume is a [[Spy Catsuit]] and even her basic outfit involves very tight pants. When putting on the catsuit, she will sometimes indignantly claim it's something a video game character would wear. And, if you're into that sort of thing, you can have her wear a chicken costume.
* ''[[Destroy All Humans!]] 2'' has the character of Natalya, met in the city of Albion (London). Not playable, but a very major character for the rest of the game.
* ''[[Batman: Arkham City]]'' has several sections playable as Catwoman, who works the [[Sexy Walk]] to full effect.
* ''[[Saints Row the Third]]'' not only has a "sex appeal" slider for both genders and entire clothing option slots for underwear, but access to a fetishwear store, cosplay shop, and the option to just run around naked (with pixelation). The entire game intentionally takes great [[Refuge in Audacity]] as a fundamental premise, but female characters are still sexualized to a much greater degree while for male characters it tends more to be played for laughs.