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** Mission 13 for ''04: Shattered Skies'' is a [[That One Level]] involving annoying [[Pixel Hunt|Pixel Hunting]].
* ''[[Blaz Blue]]'': Nu-13 {{spoiler|causes the End Of The World repeatedly}} when awakened underneath the 13th Hierarchical City, Kagutsuchi.
* Thanks to being one of [[Evilutionary Biologist|Hojo's]] intended recipients of [[The Virus|Jenova cells]], and therefore (presumably) a future Sephiroth-clone, Nanaki of ''[[Final Fantasy VII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VII]]'' was given the tattoo "XIII" and even called Red XIII. He is also apparently [[Last of His Kind|the last (or next-to-last) of his race]]; had [[Disappeared Dad|his father]] [[Taken for Granite|petrified]] while facing off with the Gi; was held prisoner by Shinra, experimented upon, and [[Hot Skitty -On -Wailord Action|was slated for interracial breeding with Aeris]]; and [[Tear Jerker|loses his grandfather]] during the course of the story. On the other hand, at least he lives all the way through, is still around 500 years later, and is one of the party's better balances between magic-user and brawler, if properly equipped and leveled. And he certainly seems to [[Warrior Poet|bear his misfortunes with dignity and fortitude]].
** On the other hand he's a flea-ridden dog thing, so...
* Subverted in ''[[Fallout]]'', the population of Vault 13 turns out to be one of the luckier of the series of 120 or so long term nuclear fallout shelters in the continental U.S., given the outcome of most of the other vaults which range from grisly to [[Fate Worse Than Death]]. It's also the home of the main character of the first game, the ancestral home of the second's main and the number 13 has become iconic in the ''Fallout'' series.
* Inverted in ''Minigore''. The player collects [[Four -Leaf Clover|Four Leaf Clovers]] to gain brief spells of invincibility, the first of which always appears when the player's score reaches 13.
* Reila of ''[[Valkyria Chronicles III (Video Game)|Valkyria Chronicles III]]'' has had [[Unperson|name erased from the records]] and replaced with the title "Number 13." This number was likely chosen because she is the [[Sole Survivor]] of several army squads and is viewed as [[The Jinx]].
* Played straight and inverted in ''[[Punch Out (Video Game)|Punch Out]]''. Mr. Sandman manages to beat twelve boxers from the WVBA and becomes World champion. Little Mac, the 13th opponent, beats him and renders his victory track imperfect. The inversion comes from Mac, likewise, having defeated 12 boxers and then Mr. Sandman to become the champion. This is further symbolized with the following elements: Little Mac has 13 hearts of stamina in both fights against Sandman (the rematch is in Title Defense mode, where the latter is once again the 13th opponent), Sandman's Contender introduction cutscene is 13 images long (the other boxers only have four-image-long cutscenes), he has to be hit 13 times (in case Star Punches aren't used) after the Berserker Rage is over to be definitely defeated, and even his stats (age, fight record, height) provide nods to number thirteen as well. Something interesting to note is that he, during his World title hold, has the highest rank in the World Circuit, while Aran Ryan (who embodies the [[Lucky Seven]] trope) is the ''lowest'' in the same circuit.
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