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* [[Harry Potter|Hagrid's]] parents are a normal-sized wizard and a giant woman. How, you ask? [[Incredibly Lame Pun|A Wizard Did It!]]
* [[Lois McMaster Bujold|Miles Vorkosigan]] and... okay, the only adult woman in his life that was not at least [[One Head Taller]] than his own four-foot-ten-on-a-good-day (147cm) height was [[The Vamp|more interested in his foster brother than him]]. The two most notable examples are his first crush Elena Bothari (around 5'10" (178cm)) and the experimental [[Super Soldier]] he rescued and named Taura (around 8' (2.4m)). Speaking of Taura, in the short story ''[[Vorkosigan Saga|Winterfair Gifts]]'' a member of House Vorkosigan's personal guard (Armsman Roic, a rather tall and powerfully built fellow by ordinary standards) has an epiphany after coming face to bustline with her and nearly dislocating his arm helping with her luggage when she arrived to attend Miles' wedding.
{{quote| This must be what it's like for M'lord... ''all the time''.}}
* ''[[Discworld|Discworld's]]'' rather skinny Vimes and his not quite obese but extremely well-built wife Lady Sybil.
** Also, in ''Thud!'', pipsqueak Nobby Nobbs dates six-foot stripper Tawneee.
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* Chris Morrison's ''[http://www.polymer-city.com/ Polymer City Chronicles]''. Dr. Otto Bonn, PhD is a scrawny man at 5 feet, 8 inches and 135lbs. His [[Green-Skinned Space Babe|Blue Skinned Space Babe]] [[Interspecies Romance|of a wife]] Andrah, on the other hand, is a towering 7'1" (7'8" with her [[Eighties Hair|mohawk]]). She's not just taller than him either; [[Amazonian Beauty|she's 387 lbs. of pure muscle with strength 25 times that of an average human male]]; then again, [[Author Appeal|almost]] ''[[Author Appeal|every]]'' [[Author Appeal|female]] in his comic is large-breasted and/or muscular <ref>Andrah, in fact, [[Write Who You Know|is based off an ex-girlfriend of Morrison's]], an amateur female bodybuilder who was approximately 6'2", 200lbs.</ref>) and [[Made of Iron|high resistance to injury]]. [http://www.polymer-city.com/profiles.shtml According] [http://www.gamezero.com/team-0/comics/ to] [[Word of God]], Andrah also happens to be Otto's [[Genius Bruiser|intellectual equal]] (as an esteemed mechanic with the [[Omniglot|ability to translate any written or spoken language]]), and is the 26-year-old's senior by a margin of ''[[Mayfly-December Romance|217 years]]''. They are such a [[Belligerent Sexual Tension|Belligerent]] [[Moe Couplet]], it's sweet.
* ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' has Parley and Smitty. Take a look at the last panel of [http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=789 this] strip. It's even lampshaded in [[The Rant]].
{{quote| He better start carrying a footstool around.}}
** Also, we have [http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=861 Lindsey] and [http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=908 Bud].
* ''[[Wapsi Square]]'' has [http://wapsisquare.com/comic/05262003/ Owen and Lakshmi.]
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* [[Tutenstein]]: Tut himself and Cleo Carter. Like Aang and Katara, it's because Cleo is two years older (again, kinda sorta), not to mention Tut is a shriveled mummy.
* The Disney's [[Alice in Wonderland (Disney film)|Alice in Wonderland]] has the King and Queen of Hearts. The Queen of Hearts is a huge, overbearing figure. The King of Hearts is miniscule in comparison. It is lampshaded in the introductions:
{{quote| '''White Rabbit:''' Her imperial highness, he... her grace, her excellency, her royal majesty, the Queen of Hearts!<br />
'''Crowd:''' ''(wild cheers)''<br />
'''The King:''' ''(clears his throat expectantly)''<br />
'''White Rabbit:''' [[My Friends and Zoidberg|And the King.]] <br />
'''Random voice:''' Hooray! }}
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* [[Tom Cruise]] and either [[Nicole Kidman]] or Katie Holmes. Both are taller than ''he'' is. Of course, being taller than Tom Cruise isn't exactly that impressive, but still.
** Nicole appearing on ''[[Late Night]] With [[David Letterman]]'' right after their divorce:
{{quote| ''Well I can wear heels now!''}}
* Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy.
* Frequently happens in middle schools, because girls start puberty earlier on average, while most boys haven't.