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[[File:Mario_and_Peach____o__by_Da_Phase_M_2567.jpg|frame|link=http://da-phase-meister.deviantart.com/art/Mario-and-Peach-o-47986091|[[Super Mario Bros.|Mario and Peach]]: Defying stereotypes since 1985.]]
Men are usually bigger/taller than women, right? Well, most of the time, but there are cases in which a woman will be taller than her love interest, either because she's unusually tall or because he's unusually short. Sometimes it's both; sometimes the girl is a good deal wider than the guy as well. Generally the first example goes under [[Hot Amazon]] or a [[Statuesque Stunner]], while the second goes in [[Big Beautiful Woman]], [[Amazonian Beauty]], or [[Abhorrent Admirer]].
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== Anime & Manga ==
* In ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory]]'', the [[Amazonian Beauty]] [[Dark-Skinned Redhead]] [[Wrench Wench]] Moira Bascht and the [[Butt Monkey]] pilot Chuck Keith end up becoming the [[Beta Couple]] (or at least are implied to do so). Moira stands head and shoulders over Keith, and is obviously more muscular then he is.
* [[DragonballDragon Ball|Krillin]] is noticeably shorter than his wife C-18 (who's the tallest female character in the show) and practically every other character of the series (Gohan was the same height as him when he was ''five years old'').
** Krillin's height actually changes constantly, sometimes he's as big as 5 year old Gohan, [[Dissimile|sometimes he's as big as 11 year old Gohan...]]
* Cibo and Killy of the manga series ''[[Blame]]'', with Cibo being a good deal taller than Killy. {{spoiler|At least, at first.}}
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** Just to make it clear, Granmammare is the OCEAN!! Fujimoto is, most likely, a regular human, or at least APPEARS to be human. Thus, it's extremely understandable that she'd be bigger than him.
* ''[[Magic Knight Rayearth]]'': Tiny [[Spirit Advisor]] Clef (who's [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]) and either Umi Ryuzaki or Presea {{spoiler|(add Presea's [[Backup Twin]] Sierra, if you follow the anime)}}, whether their affections for him are romantic or not (at least [[All Love Is Unrequited|onesided]] from Presea {{spoiler|and Sierra}}, Umi's case is a bit more debatable).
* ''[[Take On Me]]'' centers on Tomonori Tsuda (scrawny and about 5' 1" (156 cm)) and Oono Hikaru ([[Huge Schoolgirl|just shy of 6' (182 cm) and capable of walking off with Tsuda tucked under her arm]]). Since it is ''that'' [[Hentai|sort]] [[Porn Withwith Plot|of]] [[Manga]] there are a few amusingly awkward scenes that cannot be described here.
* The [[Official Couple|main couple]] of [[Huge Schoolgirl]], Ayako, and [[Cute Shotaro Boy]], Mamoru, in ''[[Mamoru-kun Ni Megami no Shukufuku Wo]]'' is this trope. He comes a bit short of her shoulders.
** Oh, and speaking of ''Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo'', ''[[Kanokon (Light Novel)|Kanokon]]'' goes under the ''same'' vein.
* Kaoru of ''[[Nana to Kaoru]]'' is really short and skinny, while Nana is a statuesque brunette who's two/three inches taller. One chapter shows he has to stand on tiptoe to whisper into her ear.
* From ''[[Katanagatari]]'' we have Chouchou, who is roughly the size of a child and Oshidori, who is the tallest female character.
* In ''[[Soul Eater]]'', Tsubaki is noticeably taller than her meister Black Star, and both Thompson sisters are taller than Death the Kid. The girls are also quite a bit older.
* In ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh (Animeanime)|Yu-Gi-Oh]]'', we have Tea, who is somewhat tall, and Yugi, who is pretty much a midget. In the [[Pool Episode]], Joey realizes how odd a ship of them would be.
* Pietro's parents in ''Popolocrois''. Doubles as [[Interspecies Romance]], since his [[Hot Mom]] is a dragon.
* [[Noble Demon|Hiei]] from ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho]]'' is significantly smaller than his prospective [[Love Interest]] [[Dark Action Girl|Mukuro]] with whom the [[BST]] is very present.
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* Mizuki and Akira from ''[[Ai Ore Love Me]]''.
* Yui and Kei from ''[[Houou Gakuen Misoragumi]]''.
* Koichi and Yukako from ''[[Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure (Manga)|Jo Jos Bizarre Adventure]]''.
* More-or-less every straight Edward Elric pairing is this in ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (Mangamanga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]''. For most of the manga he's 4'11 - 5'2, though he outgrows it.
* Luchino from ''[[Baccano (Light Novel)|Baccano]]'' is a smallish teenage boy. [[Cool Big Sis|Aging]], on the other hand, stands well over two meters and is described as having a build like Michelangelo's David, but with breasts and 50% more muscle. Luchino barely reaches up to her chest.
* ''[[Steel Angel Kurumi]]'' and the 12-year old protagonist Nakahito.
* The protagonists of [[Houkago Play (Manga)|Houkago Play]]'s first volume.
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*** They stay like this even in the animated version, where she's somewhat shorter and has normal hair.
** [[Sizeshifter|Sizeshifters]] Giganta and [[The Atom]] ([[Affirmative Action Legacy|Ryan Choi]]) used to be an item. Even with both at normal size, she has several inches on him.
** Similarly, Andromeda and Brainiac 5 of ''[[Legion of Super -Heroes]]''.
* [[Marvel Comics]]
** From the ''[[Alpha Flight]]'' series, the towering [[Nigh Invulnerability|Diamond Lil]] and average-height [[Technopath|Madison Jeffries]].
** Also from ''Alpha Flight'', when Heather Hudson briefly dated Puck, a dwarf.
** Technically, when Ant-Man shrinks down to use his [[Power Perversion Potential]].
** [[She- Hulk]] and Wyatt Wingfoot, when they were dating. Note that Wyatt Wingfoot is actually a pretty large fellow (he's taller than say, Reed Richards or Johnny Storm). Really, she has ended up being taller than every man she dated seriously.
** [[Wolverine]] and almost any woman he dates.
* [[Harvey Comics]]
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== Film ==
* [[Who Framed Roger Rabbit?|Roger and Jessica Rabbit]]. He doesn't reach her ''waist''.
** To be fair though, her legs are [[She's Got Legs|pretty long]]
** That, and [[Species Surname|Roger's a rabbit.]]
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* In ''[[Monsters vs. Aliens]]'', Susan was 50 feet tall when she was engaged to her fiancé.
* Being the titular [[Attack of the 50 Foot Woman|50-foot woman]], Nancy Archer towers over her husband, Harry.
* From ''[[Monsters Inc.|Monsters, Inc.]]'', Mike Wazowski and his girfriend Celia Mae. She's roughly the height of a human adult, whereas he's basically a basketball-sized eyeball on legs.
* ''[[Julie and Julia]]'': Julia Child ([[Meryl Streep]]) and her sister ([[Glee|Jane Lynch]]) are both about 6'2" (in [[The Fifties]], where the average ''man'' ls around 5'8") and both fall for guys who are a head shorter, despite Julia's attempt at setting her sister up with a guy who's taller ("What's he like?" "He's... [[Damning With Faint Praise|tall]]"). Based on [[Real Life]].
* ''[[Avatar (Filmfilm)|Avatar]]''. Its only actually seen once but Jake is considerably shorter than his 9 foot tall eventual spouse Neytiri, though in all but one scene, he interacts with her through his equally tall Avatar which he eventually permanently uploads into.
* Jason Melon and his squeeze Valerie from ''[[Back to School (Filmfilm)|Back to School]]''. She's about three inches taller than average and he's about three inches shorter than average; he practically needed to stand on his toes to kiss her.
* Donkey and the Dragon from ''[[Shrek]]''
* Lux and Nim in ''[[Dungeons and Dragons: Wrath of The Dragon God]]''. They're not exactly an item, per se, but they do get several instances of [[Ship Tease|Ship Teasing]].
* ''[[Ella Enchanted]]'' has Slannen the elf falling in love with Brumhilda the giant.
* Seymour and Audrey, from ''[[Little Shop of Horrors]]''.
* Referenced in ''[[OceansOcean's Eleven]]'', in which Saul objects to Tess being Benedict's girlfriend on the grounds that she's too tall for him. Presumably Saul finds this trope disagreeable.
* Long Duk Dong and Marlene in ''[[Sixteen Candles]]''.
* Kurd and Big Girl in ''Take the Lead''.
* Norbit
* Mr. and Mrs. Turnblad in ''[[Hairspray]]''. Admittedly, the mother is played by a man in drag, but it's played straight in both movies and the theatre adaptation.
* ''[[Oliver and Company (Disney)|Oliver and Company]]'' has Tito the chihuahua and Georgette the poodle, though it's mostly an unrequited crush from Tito to Georgette until the end. {{spoiler|At which point Tito wants to get away from Georgette.}}
* Hyacinth Hippo and Ben Ali Gator on the "Dance of the Hours" segment of ''[[Fantasia]]''.
* Ted and Audrey from ''[[The Lorax (Filmfilm)|The Lorax]].''
* The short gaunt Kyle and amazonian BBW Rhonda in [[Road Trip]].
* In the opening sequence of ''[[The Triplets of Belleville]]'', the audience consists ''entirely'' of tiny men and their enormous wives.
* Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood in [[Matilda (Filmfilm)|Matilda]]
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** Also, in ''Thud!'', pipsqueak Nobby Nobbs dates six-foot stripper Tawneee.
** In the ''[[Discworld]]'', we meet greengrocer Arthur Winkling and his wife, a man suffering from late-onset vampirism who is a [[Henpecked Husband]] to his domineering human wife, who expressly forbids him from doing all that business with flighty young women in underwired nightdresses who are no better than they should be. A subversion and a [[Shout-Out]] to Gomez and Morticia Addams.
* From ''[[Honor Harrington (Literature)|Honor Harrington]]'':
** Honor is 6'2" (188cm) and Paul Tankersley was about 5'6" (168cm), but powerfully built. He spent a lot of time teasing her and giving her sexually laden grief about it before he had a bridge dropped on him. Later she got a more equal match, as {{spoiler|Hamish Alexander}} is about the same height.
** Anton Zilwicki and Cathy Montaigne just keeps the proportion. He is about 5'6" (168cm) tall and just as broad, she's about 6' (183m) tall and ''extremely'' lanky.
* Holly Short and [[Artemis Fowl (Literature)|Artemis Fowl]]. He's a human child of just below average height, she's a metre-tall elf, making her ''slightly'' shorter than him but she's visibly muscular and he's a scrawny academic. And in the sixth book {{spoiler|she kisses him, and briefly considers becoming involved with him, but ... it's complicated.}} Of course, when (if?) he becomes an adult human, he should become much taller than her.
* The ''Garrett, P.I.'' novels' Amazonian Winger and "the Remora", her shrimp of a boyfriend/biographer.
* Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood of ''[[Matilda (Literaturenovel)|Matilda]]'': Mr. Wormwood is illustrated as very thin while Mrs. Wormwood is at least twice his size (but the same height).
* ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'': Jaime's aunt Genna, who is huge in every way, and her husband Emmon Frey, a little wisp of a man.
** [[Brawn Hilda|Brienne]] is in love with Lord/Kind Renly, and is taller than most men (though equal in height to Jaime, with whom she has plenty of [[Ship Tease|Ship Teasing]]. She suffers a lot of [[No Guy Wants an Amazon]] within the books, though her main problem with Renly was their [[Incompatible Orientation]].
* The children's book ''Tiny and Mister Bigman'', Tiny is the definition of [[Hot Amazon]], 6'5" strong as an ox Jamaican woman with a voice like a hurricane that [[No Guy Wants an Amazon|unintentionally frightens all the men on the island]] and Mister Bigman is a 5'4" scrawny almost deaf white man on vacation from somewhere. They fall in love almost the moment they meet.
* In John Crowley's ''Little, Big'', Smoky Barnable, height unspecified but described as short, marries Daily Alice Drinkwater (over 6 feet). Toward the end of the story, though, the size disparity becomes ... much larger.
* In ''[[Sewer, Gas and& Electric (Literature)|Sewer Gas and Electric]]'', Harry Gant's mother is a tall, husky construction forewoman, while his father is a short, rather frail history buff.
* Sera Vorder and Francis Love Skelbrooke from ''Goblin Moon'' and ''The Gnome's Engine''. She's so tall and sturdy that she's embarassed about it, he's petite {{spoiler|due to faerie blood}} and (deceptively) delicate-looking.
* The [[Myth Adventures]] books imply that Aahz and Tananda had a fling in the past. Tananda is tall enough to have subjected Skeeve to [[Marshmallow Hell]] in the graphic novel of ''Another Fine Myth'', and Aahz is shorter than Skeeve.
* In the [[Doctor Who]] [[Eighth Doctor Adventures]] book ''Vanishing Point'', Fitz's [[Girl of the Week]] is at least 6'6" (and extremely [[Moe]] -- she has an odd, asymmetrical face and badly mismatched legs that give her a limp, and is [[The Ingenue|extremely sheltered]] thanks to a benevolent variant of [[Madwoman in Thethe Attic]]). It's never quite clear how tall ''he'' is, and he sometimes seems to feel he's [[Egregious|egregiously]] tall, but in this book he's implied to be shorter than the 5'8" Doctor. They're both skinny, though.
* Physically, Henry and Eva [[Wilt]] also fit the [[Tiny Guy, Huge Girl]] trope: in line with author [[Tom Sharpe|Tom Sharpe's]] female leads, Eva is an [[Earth Mother]], a very much larger-than-life woman who does everything to excess, including motherhood - she is mother to quad girls, also to Henry's discomfort. And they all take after Mum...
* ''[[Anonymous Rex]]'' - Vincent, a velociraptor, is naturally much smaller than his friend and colleague, Glenda, a hadrosaur. At one point, Vincent steps onto Glenda's shoulders to reach a high drainpipe, noting that he felt "like a young son sitting on his mother's shoulders to watch a parade."
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* ''[[Survivor|Survivor: Gabon]]'': Ken is the shortest, skinniest guy on the show, while his chief ally, Crystal, stands 6'3" (191cm) tall.
* ''[[NCIS]]'': When Abby dates a fellow scientist who is a little person. Abby being Abby, there's no indication she even notices his height until he dumps her for being too tall (an unfortunate development due to the death of the actor).
* On ''[[The Addams Family (TV)|The Addams Family]]'', Morticia is way taller than Gomez.
* ''[[That 70s Show]]'' has two couples like this: Eric and Donna (who are also a subversion: they're actually about the same height, but Donna is ''way'' stronger), then Fez and [[Huge Schoolgirl|Big Rhonda]].
** In a [[What If]] episode, Eric's Guardian Angel(played by Wayne Knight) shows Eric what his future would be like if he had never dated Donna. In said future, he actually ends up marrying Big Rhonda whose gotten a lot bigger, more homely and quite abusive.
* ''[[Firefly (TV)|Firefly]]'': Through the use of camera angles, Wash is portrayed as being a few inches shorter than his wife Zoe. On the DVD commentaries people actually express surpirse at how this comes out, since in real life Alan Tudyk (Wash) is a few inches ''taller'' than Gina Torres (Zoe), and there was never anything blatant like [[Scully Box|standing on a box]] to change the height for the screen.
* C.J. Cregg (played by the ridiculously tall [[Allison Janney]]) and Danny Concannon (who's just about normal height) on ''[[The West Wing]]''. [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] with C.J. and her [[Temporary Love Interest]] Agent Simon Donovan (played by [[NCIS|Mark Harmon]]) when C.J. remarks that she really likes how tall Donovan is because "it makes [her] feel more feminine."
* Invoked on ''[[Whose Line Is It Anyway?]]'', with Wayne Brady, shortest of the players but highly agile, singing to... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCIak-w0DOc a female bodybuilder.] They're actually about the same height, and she IS wearing heels but... she's a BODYBUILDER.
** In another episode, during a playing of Greatest Hits about ''[[Xena: Warrior Princess]]'', Wayne and Chip Esten have to sing a song called "Huge Women, Puny Men."
* Played straight on ''[[Hannah Montana]]'', when Miley ends up on a date with Oliver's friend Connor, who is noticeably shorter.
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* Charlie and Amita in ''[[Numb3rs]]''.
* In ''[[LA Law]]'' Stuart Markowitz and Ann Kelsey became a couple and eventually got married. Stuart was short and chubby, while she was much taller. This could also be added to real life examples since the actors were married in real life.
* ''[[Get Smart (TV)|Get Smart]]'' tried to avert this: In close-up shots, Barbara Feldon always had to scrunch down to avoid towering over Don Adams. It couldn't be avoided in wide shots.
* [[The Muppet Show|Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy]] exaggerate the trope by playing on her temper (made scarier by her size) and his meekness (made funnier by his size).
* Davy and the beautiful, tall laundromat owner in ''[[The Monkees]]'' episode "Monkees Get Out More Dirt".
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== Video Games ==
* ''[[Super Mario Bros.]]:''
** Peach is visibly (at least) a head taller than Mario, even with a Super Mushroom, mostly because Mario is shorter than average. Perhaps one of the most famous examples in all media aside from Boris and Natasha. But this is somewhat a played with trope in this case since in overall size, Mario is much bigger due to his stocky build and strong enough to throw heavy objects and enemies with ease, while Peach is slim, dainty, and feminine. However, it's still this trope at the core since anytime they're together, she puts her arm around him and when they kiss, she bends down to kiss her heroic plumber.
** Sometimes with his brother Luigi, he alternates between being her size or shorter.
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** Princess Daisy is more or less the same height as Peach. Rosalina on the other hand, is much taller (she is approximately the same height as Waluigi). Even more so with Rosalina, who was seen as a giant at the end of both ''Galaxy'' games, and the ''[[Mario Kart]]'' series games classes her as a heavyweight despite her slender [[Princess Classic]] type delicate build.
* In ''Metal Combat'' (the sequel to ''[[Battle Clash]]''), the alien Zephyr has a huge and hideous wife named Pamela who is a good deal taller and wider then him. Even her mech is huge!
* [[The Napoleon|Shoma]] and [[Huge Schoolgirl|Natsu]] from ''[[Rival Schools (Video Game)|Rival Schools]]'', though both have trouble [[Cannot Spit It Out|expressing those feelings]] and spend their time [[The Masochism Tango|arguing with each other]] [[Slap Slap Kiss|instead]].
* [[Sonic the Hedgehog]] and [[Damsel in Distress|Princess Elise]] from ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 (Videovideo Gamegame)|Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)]]'', though any semblance of a romantic relationship [[Star Boarding|is primarily one-sided on Elise's part]].
* ''[[Fire Emblem]]'':
** ''[[Fire Emblem Elibe|The Blazing Sword]]'': {{spoiler|Ninian}} and either {{spoiler|Hawkeye}} (platonic) or {{spoiler|Eliwood}} (romantic), as she's a ''[[Our Dragons Are Different|literal dragon]]'' (okay, [[Half-Human Hybrid|half-dragon]]). It only happens once, however, and involuntarily at that.
*** Also, {{spoiler|Ninian (and Nils)'s parents. The mom was Aenir, a dragon woman; the dad was... Nergal, then a normal shuman shaman, and later the [[Archnemesis Dad]].}}
** ''[[Fire Emblem Elibe|The Sword of Seals]]'': Fa and almost any male, but specially Elphin and Roy. Again, when she's in Dragon form.
** ''[[Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones (Video Game)|The Sacred Stones]]'': Myrrh and either Saleh or Ephraim when she's in her real Dragon form. If she's not, she's the [[Token Mini-Moe]] instead.
* ''[[War CraftWarcraft]]'':
** Handsome stag/centaur Zaetar had relations with the four armed, three faced, giant stoney [[Cosmic Horror]] that is Princess Theradras. This also counts as an inversion of [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]].
** Alexstrasza and Korialstrasz/Krasus. Although they're pretty close in height in humanoid form (him being about a head taller), in dragon form she's at least twice his size.
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** A female PC romancing Zevran also accounts, seeing as elves are shorter than humans. Even in the sequel, where elves are generally taller, Fenris seems smaller than a female Hawke (and Isabela, his potential sex-buddy), perhaps because he's both skinny and slouches a lot.
* An odd example between [[Jak and Daxter|Daxter and Tess]], considering that Daxter's not human. Although he [[Baleful Polymorph|used to be]]. {{spoiler|[[Jerkass Genie|Creative wish-granting]] on behalf of some [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens|Sufficiently Advanced]] [[Precursors]] evened things out, though.}}
* Torahime and Kisuke from ''[[Muramasa: theThe Demon Blade|Muramasa]]'', though this might just be because of the art style, since human enemies can be absolutely enormous for no reason. Kisuke is tiny no matter what, though. [[Brawn Hilda|Raijin]] and Fujin even moreso.
* The [[Love Interest]] of ''[[Alundra 2: (VideoA Game)New Legend Begins|Alundra 2]]'', Princess Alexei is 2 times the height of the main character, Flint. She’s standing on a lower elevation in the kiss scene at the game’s end.
* Nehema and Zee Tee in the good ending of [[Eversion]]
* [[Ratchet and Clank|Ratchet]] is shorter than each of his [[Girl of the Week|Girls of the Week]] (by variable amounts: maybe an inch or two shorter than Sasha, [[One Head Taller|One Head Shorter]] than Talwyn, and ''at least'' a foot shorter than Angela) -- This has less to do with [[Interspecies Romance]] than it does with Ratchet being just plain short. Additionally Dr. Nefarious [[Unholy Matrimony|gets into a fling with the utterly massive Cassiopeia.]]
* While most of the Princesses in ''[[Little Kings Story]]'' are taller then Corobo, two take it to ridiculous extrtemes. The Busty Princess Ferne is as tall as 4 Corobos. The obese Princess Spumoni is simply just far, far wider and taller then the poor little King.
* The protagonist of ''[[Menace Beach]]'' and his girlfriend.
* Ayla and Kino in ''[[Chrono Trigger (Video Game)|Chrono Trigger]]''. Ayla is over six feet tall, ridiculously strong to the point of outperforming even advanced robots, and towers over basically everybody except Robo (who is a lot taller and larger than he looks in-game in official art). Kino is about the same height as Marle (second shortest character after Frog), not to mention a complete wimp.
* The [[Our Elves Are Better|wood elves]] in ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]''.
** Seeing as [[Skyrim]] introduced romance options, you can now have this, mostly if you player as a taller race (especially a female High Elf) and marry someone from a smaller race (such as a Breton).
* The Harvest Goddess in ''[[Harvest Moon]]'' animal parade [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ESevObTPbU towers over the protagonist]. In Harvest Moon Island of Happiness, the extremly short chef Pierre is able to [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qiv8ca03s4A be married by female players].
* From ''[[Ar Tonelico Qoga3]]: Knell of Ar Ciel'', there's the diminutive scientist Katene and {{spoiler|Mute}}, who towers over him in terms of both height and muscularity... well, [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|most of the time]], anyway. They're embarassingly and hillariously lovey-dovey together.
* Nythera's parents in ''[[Dragon Fable (Video Game)|Dragon Fable]]''. Her father is a human wizard and her mother is a ''dragon''.
* Flonne at 5'2" from the ''[[Disgaea]]'' series towers above the 4'3" Laharl, according to the supplementary artbook; Etna is also about five inches taller than him. This doesn't really come across in the game proper very well, because almost all the cutscene portraits and character sprites are the same size. [http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/956928/absurdres-angel-blonde_hair-blue_hair-demon-disgae Some official art] does show this though.
* [[Fable]]. In the second game investing in Strength will give you muscles, while investing in Skill gives you height, meaning than a female character can potentially end up much taller and more burly than a husband. There is also a far bit of fan art with [[Brawn Hilda|Hammer]] and [[Squishy Wizard|Garth]] that strongly features this trope. In the third game, the Princess is taller than almost everyone else from the outset, possibly because of her Heroic bloodlines).
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* ''[[Haru-Sari]]'' June is quite tall, while Chi-Min is short due to being an elf, which means he is permanently stuck in a prepubescent body.
* Chris Morrison's ''[http://www.polymer-city.com/ Polymer City Chronicles]''. Dr. Otto Bonn, PhD is a scrawny man at 5 feet, 8 inches and 135lbs. His [[Green-Skinned Space Babe|Blue Skinned Space Babe]] [[Interspecies Romance|of a wife]] Andrah, on the other hand, is a towering 7'1" (7'8" with her [[Eighties Hair|mohawk]]). She's not just taller than him either; [[Amazonian Beauty|she's 387 lbs. of pure muscle with strength 25 times that of an average human male]]; then again, [[Author Appeal|almost]] ''[[Author Appeal|every]]'' [[Author Appeal|female]] in his comic is large-breasted and/or muscular <ref>Andrah, in fact, [[Write Who You Know|is based off an ex-girlfriend of Morrison's]], an amateur female bodybuilder who was approximately 6'2", 200lbs.</ref>) and [[Made of Iron|high resistance to injury]]. [http://www.polymer-city.com/profiles.shtml According] [http://www.gamezero.com/team-0/comics/ to] [[Word of God]], Andrah also happens to be Otto's [[Genius Bruiser|intellectual equal]] (as an esteemed mechanic with the [[Omniglot|ability to translate any written or spoken language]]), and is the 26-year-old's senior by a margin of ''[[Mayfly-December Romance|217 years]]''. They are such a [[Belligerent Sexual Tension|Belligerent]] [[Moe Couplet]], it's sweet.
* ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court (Webcomic)|Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' has Parley and Smitty. Take a look at the last panel of [http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=789 this] strip. It's even lampshaded in [[The Rant]].
{{quote| He better start carrying a footstool around.}}
** Also, we have [http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=861 Lindsey] and [http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=908 Bud].
* ''[[Wapsi Square]]'' has [http://wapsisquare.com/comic/05262003/ Owen and Lakshmi.]
* The eponymous [[Hot Amazon]] Of ''[[The Challenges of Zona]]'' makes her reasonably normal-sized boyfriend Mentl look like a freaky little midget by comparison.
* [[RubysRuby's World]] has Jiro ( 6'2" ) and Ruby ( 9'1" ).
* In ''[[The Order of the Stick (Webcomic)|Order of the Stick]]'', 3'2" halfling Belkar has sex with normal-sized human Jenny, and neither seems at all bothered by the size difference.
* The hyenas in ''[[Digger (Webcomic)|Digger]]'' are all like this; hyena females are bigger and more aggressive than the males, like their [[Real Life]] counterparts. Most noticeable during Ed's backstory.
* In Law of Purple you have Memphis, who is a notably short human man, paired up with Sabre, the much taller than him Caligulan elf chick.
* [[A Loonatics Tale|Jeff Nobelium]] and his wife. [[Word of God]] is that Mrs. Nobelium is about three Terbiums...and Terbium himself is worth around two or three Jeffs.
* ''[[Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff]]'': The beautiful wonan whom they both once dated at Subway is double their height and doesn't even completely fit into the panel size ([[Stylistic Suck|intentionally of course]]).
* In webcomic ''[[The Meek (Webcomic)|The Meek]]'', Luca is [[The Napoleon|a Napoleon]] with [[Stout Strength]], while his wife Phe is fairly tall woman. Guessing from the art, his forehead is about level with her nose.
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* [[Futurama]] features the short, dumpy Hermes Conrad, and his statuesque, nearly-Amazonian wife LaBarbara.
* One [[DCAU]] episode featured Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor, and another had the previously mentioned Scott Free and Big Barda.
* ''[[Jackie Chan Adventures (Animation)|Jackie Chan Adventures]]'' has one episode where Jade becomes really big and it is ''[[The Big Guy|Tohru]]'' who looks small to her.
* [[Re Boot|Princess Bula and Specky]], but the contrast is jarring: he's as tall as her leg!
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]'': Skulker and Ember as Ember is really the huge one; Skulker's real form is a tiny green ghost, but he uses a [[Monster Suit]], thus they appear to be [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]].
* ''[[Beast Machines (Animation)|Beast Machines]]'' in the case of Obsidian and Strika, and also Rattrap and Botanica.
* ''[[Animaniacs (Animation)|Animaniacs]]'':
** We occasionally see Dr. Scratchansniff with his girlfriend, who is much taller and at least three times his weight.
** For a more extreme example, there's [[Pinky and The Brain|Pinky]] and Pharfignewton - he's a mouse, [[Interspecies Romance|she's a horse.]]
Line 260:
* The Scotsman and his wife from ''[[Samurai Jack]]''. It's not that the Scotsman is tiny - in fact he's big, ugly, and strong - it's just that his wife is bigger, uglier, and far stronger!
* [[Tutenstein]]: Tut himself and Cleo Carter. Like Aang and Katara, it's because Cleo is two years older (again, kinda sorta), not to mention Tut is a shriveled mummy.
* The Disney's [[Alice in Wonderland (Disney film)|Alice in Wonderland]] has the King and Queen of Hearts. The Queen of Hearts is a huge, overbearing figure. The King of Hearts is miniscule in comparison. It is lampshaded in the introductions:
{{quote| '''White Rabbit:''' Her imperial highness, he... her grace, her excellency, her royal majesty, the Queen of Hearts!<br />
'''Crowd:''' ''(wild cheers)''<br />
Line 266:
'''White Rabbit:''' [[My Friends and Zoidberg|And the King.]] <br />
'''Random voice:''' Hooray! }}
* Riff Raff and his girlfriend Cleo from ''[[Heathcliff and The Catillac Cats (Animation)|Heathcliff and The Catillac Cats]]''.
* [[The Napoleon|Lucius Heinous VII]] and [[Gold Digger|Jez]] from ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]''.
* In ''[[The Angry Beavers]]'', the twist of episode 12 is that the legendary [[The Catfish|giant river fish]], Old Gramps, turns out be a shrivelled old fish who is maybe half the size of the beavers. The legends are actually due to his ''wife'', Old Grams, who ''is'' big enough to swallow the beavers' dam whole.
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* [[Kids Next Door]], with Numbuh 3/Kuki Sanban and Numbuh 4/Wally Beatles, while Kuki is actually the youngest Operative in Sector V, Wally is the shortest, being around a head shorter than Kuki.
* Ernie Potts, the diminutive demolitions man from ''[[Hey Arnold]]'', gets involved with his crush - a tall, full-figured (a.k.a. "Large and Lovely") model named Lola.
** [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold|Harold]] is about half the height of his possible girlfriend [[Huge Schoolgirl|"Big" Patty]].
** One episode has a paper fortunteller predict that [[Geek|Sheena]] and [[Born Unlucky|Eugene]] will get married one day. [http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Sheena+Eugene&hl=en&biw=1440&bih=739&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=z2Omm5bThX57VM:&imgrefurl=http://membres.multimania.fr/wenstrom/hascreens/Married.html&docid=CfAUl_LybpqADM&w=288&h=256&ei=sGqGTs3KF4q4tgedrYRJ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=85&page=1&tbnh=120&tbnw=135&start=0&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0&tx=83&ty=107 Note the height difference]. He wouldn't even reach her shoulder if his head wasn't so weirdly shaped!
* ''[[American Dragon Jake Long]]'': Jake and Rose.
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