Toilet Humour/Playing With

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  • Basic Trope: Exactly What It Says On the Tin: Bathrooms and related bodily functions used as a source of (usually lowbrow) humor
  • Played Straight: Bob farts.
  • Exaggerated: Bob poops in a crowded elevator
  • Inverted: Detectives find a dead woman in the bathroom; the bathroom is there, but the humor is not.
  • Subverted: Bob's farting is treated more as a Moral Event Horizon crossover.
  • Double Subverted: But then becomes a funny anecdote later on.
  • Deconstructed: After age 7 or so (perhaps earlier for girls, who are expected to be more polite and refined than their Spear Counterpart), this sort of stuff is seen as immature, rude, and disgusting.
  • Reconstructed: There are times when it's OK to joke about this stuff, and times when it's not. As long as everyone knows which it is...
  • Parodied: Bob farts a tune of some sort, and the entire elevator starts singing along, only to keel over from the gas.
  • Lampshaded: Great, just what we need: a fart joke.
  • Averted: Nobody Poops, Bottomless Bladder
  • Enforced: Rule of Funny for a Gross-Out Show
  • Invoked: Bob farts, and everyone starts laughing at him.
  • Defied: Nobody laughs at bodily functions, and the people who carry out said bodily functions leave the room to do so.
  • Discussed: Fart jokes: they've been done to death!
  • Conversed: Maybe so, but they're funny!
  • Played For Laughs: Pretty much the whole premise of this trope.
  • Played For Drama: Bob gets a kick out of farting for people's amusement, but it embarrasses and disgusts his girlfriend, Alice. He must choose between her love or the attention he gets.