Too Happy to Live: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ernest Hemingway]] has the main couple of ''A Farewell To Arms'' quite happy, having escaped the Italian manhunt to Switzerland. While there's a level of self-destruction going on - they're living entirely on credit - the characters don't seem particularly bothered. Cue [[Death by Childbirth]].
* This happens a lot in ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' fiction. If you ever see ANY peaceful farmers or other common people, living pleasant lives and thanking the God-Emperor daily for the blessings He has seen fit to bestow upon them, you can expect a war which will kill most or all of them to break out within the chapter.
* It hasn't happened yet, but in ''[[Discworld/Thud|Thud!]]'', it's revealed that the greatest fear of Sam Vimes, who over the course of the [[Discworld]] series has gone from a drunken wreck of a night watchman to a public VIP and happily-married father, is that this is going to happen someday, if not to him then to [[Adult Fear|his infant son]].
* [[Roger Ebert]] referenced this trope in his book ''The Little Book Of Hollywood Cliches.'' In his list of the "top movie characters likely to die," he says:
{{quote|''The person who says "I've never been happier than I am now" is not going to live to see the end credits.}}
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[[Category:Happiness Tropes]]
[[Category:Death Tropes]]
[[Category:Rule of Drama]]
[[Category:Depressing Tropes]]