  • Why are the ships called Absolution?
    • Why would the makers of Toonami call a starship a synonym for "forgiveness"? Maybe they thought Toonami might not last and were asking to be forgiven ahead of time. Maybe they were saying:

Creator: We know we're creating something really cool, but it might be taken away by the higher-ups, so we are asking for your forgiveness now instead of later.

  • What were the events that prompted the changes between the third and fourth incarnations of the popular host TOM?
    • While the first and third incarnation's Super-Hero Origin stories were shown in comic form and the second incarnation had a Death by Origin Story, the fourth incarnation of TOM had no such introduction and no on-air nor online explanation behind the sudden and drastic changes. Nothing Is the Same Anymore.
      • Of course, during the 2012 April Fools' Day stunt, the third incarnation of TOM returned with no notes about what happened before, fully embracing the First Law of Resurrection.
        • evil impostor?
  • The 2012 revival.. Why? Who decided it was a good idea to make Toonami more 'adult' and air it at midnight? Especially since Adult Swim is the midnight 'adult' anime block on Cartoon Network. Why not try to get new viewers by airing it earlier, instead of pandering to former fans who are high off nostalgia?
    • ...Because those are the very fans that helped bring it back to begin with?
    • It's less risky that way. It's already a huge experiment. Only if the ratings are successful will they maybe decide to show it earlier.
    • This is a case of embracing the Periphery Demographic. Even at its hight the original Toonami was popular with an audience that skewed far older than what was being aimed for. And now that the younger kids were that age too, why not aim it at older kids/young adults?
    • I'll admit that the "more adult" toonami is a little weird for me. (I think it will get better once they break it in. Probbly why they have been useing the word 'bitch' so much.) But the point is that Toonami is, at least in the present, not a proven block. So the logical way to get it back up is to re-introduce it into what is most likely its original audience. If you are worried that the "Nostalgia high" as you called it wont keep Toonami up; you are probbly right. The old shows have drawn back the crowd but it will take new shows to stay on TV. I think they are anticipateing this. If you are worried about the possible lack of new audience... well... A good portion of Adult Swim watchers are mid-teens. So I would assume that it will catch some new followers if it succeeds. Either way, it's understandable if it is not 'exactly' what you want. But that is kind of an inevitability when such a long hiatus is taken. Support it if you enjoy it. don't if you don't.

Only Toonami