Topic on User talk:DocColress

Okay, this one actually calls to mind a very recent example of a villain who is a Complete Monster: Koba from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. A key exchange that defines his character and motives is when he claims that he has been fighting for his ape brethren so that they may be strong together, but Caesar counters it with the truth of the matter: "Koba fight for Koba." Similarly, it would seem that "Augustine is fighting for Augustine." She may claim that all of her actions are done for her fellow conduits own good, but when she constantly treats them like either tools or yesterday's garbage, arguably giving them worse treatment than what she's allegedly protecting them from, she shows that what really motivates her is the desire to have absolute power over all these extraordinary beings (on top of normal human beings) so that they can all seem like lesser beings compared to her. It's I Just Want to Be Special taken to a warped, disgusting extreme, coupled with being a sadist and a bully. Heck, TV Tropes actually lists her claims of altruism coupled with her deeds towards the people she's supposed to be altruistic towards as Insane Troll Logic. She's not protecting humans from conduits, nor is she protecting conduits from humans: she's screwing both over in order to elevate herself. So yes, this one's definitely a keeper.