Topic on User talk:DocColress

The trend I see for all incarnations of Scarecrow I'm familiar with is that as heinous as he is, he's always eclipsed in heinousness by someone else. The comics? He's got nothing on Joker, Black Mask, Zsaz, Professor Pyg, or Gordon Jr. The animated series? Non-CM villains like Ras Al Ghul are more heinous than he. The Nolan movies? He's an absolute small fry compared to Ras, Joker, Bane, Talia, or even Two-Face! Basically, while his main modus operadi is deplorable and horrific, he's never made the fullest use of it in a way that gets him to match up with the heinous standards set by other villains. Remember that a CM can't simply be heinous - he or she has to be at the top of the bar in how their respective works defines heinousness. We'll wait and see if Arkham Knight Scarecrow measures up, but even he is going to have a tough bar to measure up to due the monsters of the previous games in this series.