Topic on User talk:Labster

QuestionableSanity (talkcontribs)

If your offer to help me is still open, then I have a few tasks that need botting.

List of Tasks

If you can do all this, I will be very grateful.

Labster (talkcontribs)

Running the first task now (on category:useful notes). 820 members, gonna take a while. A slight difference here is that I needed to check for double-posts of {{Useful Notes}}, and subpages, so that was fun.

$page->{text} =~ s/\{\{Useful Notes(\|[^\{\}]+)?\}\}\n?(.*?)\{\{Useful Notes(\|[^\{\}]+)?\}\}\n?/
 			"{{Useful Notes" .($1 || $3 || '') ."}}\n$2"/seg;

I'm pretty sure I did that for Fanfic Authors really recently as part of tagging that category.

QuestionableSanity (talkcontribs)

I have no idea what that code even says. @_@

EDIT: Yikes, it untagged Category:Asia. I didn't want that to happen. Maybe I should check over all the changes the bot made afterward. What's its "account name"?

EDIT 2: Almost forgot to say "Thank you!"

Labster (talkcontribs)

User:Dai-Guard. Also good luck with looking at the changes, I've run a lot of jobs tonight. But probably what happened is it just detagged categories.

QuestionableSanity (talkcontribs)

I protected the other sub-categories from getting removed, by re-inserting {{Useful Notes}} at the top of each one. I just have to find the one other that got removed, which should be at the beginning. So it shouldn't be too bad.

EDIT: Oh, it was already finished two hours ago. And it seems to have left all the sub-categories, except for Asia, untouched. But I could have sworn it was 17 before...