Topic on User talk:DocColress

Ah, I see now! I didn't mean for that to be a stupid question since the answer was obvious in hindsight, I just wanted to set things straight.

And as for the sister thing, I think it's safe to assume that there was love shared between the two given that Elder Princess Shroob's exact line was "And my sister... my dear, sweet, beautiful sister... I WILL AVENGE HER!" Kinda sweet that even barbaric alien warlords have people they care about. :D Yeah, looking back I think I let Princess Shroob's incredibly heinous actions overshadow her few good qualities.

Looking back though, I'm starting to wonder about Grubba's status based on one line of his: he's pretty much an irredeemable scumbag once his true colors show, but when he's been beaten, he tells Mario "Great fight, son". Is this enough to disqualify him from Complete Monster status? It is pretty much the only remotely positive thing he really does (or in this case, the only nice thing he says) once he's outed as a narcissistic maniac. Hell, right after that he goes on to mock the sister of his first victim to put things in perspective.