Topic on Talk:Fast Zombies

Mark Rosewater[1], in his 3rd podcast about the Innistrad Set said that this trope (at least in its modern form) has it's origins in video games.[2]. He said that zombies are an ideal video game mook[3] because they come in mass and are slow and thus low threats on their own. [4] He said Fast zombies[5] were a progression on that enemy. Either an Elite Mook[6], or a Video Game Boss. I find Rosewater's origin explanation quite compelling. If most tropers that take a side on the origin of the Fast Zombies take the same side, I'm sure someone will add it to the page. <div class="references-small"

  1. Head designer of the card game Magic: The Gathering
  2. Not that innistrad has fast zombies. He was a fan of large masses of Plodding Zombies, and as head designer of Magic R&D, he has quite a say in how things go.
  3. not that he used the word mook
  4. Feel free to look at the Night of the Living Mooks page.
  5. Which he sometimes calls zoombies.
  6. Not that he used this jargon either