Topic on User talk:DocColress

I don't really view Zant as being too YMMV to be honest. Sure, he talks on and on about how he wants to lead his people to a better future outside of the Twilight Realm... but he also transformed them all into mindless, savage beasts that he can easily control, which shows that despite all his talk, he was only ever looking out for himself. And heck, Midna even tells him to his face that he was turned down for the throne because even before meeting Ganondorf, he was already known to harbor an unhealthy lust for power. I can see how Ganondorf's involvement in his rise to power would raise some eyebrows, but it's like I said before, Zant already had the potential to hurt others and forcibly subject them to his will, Ganondorf merely gave him the means to do so. While Zant is fanatically devoted to Ganondorf, the scene where he snaps his own neck which also kills Ganondorf (according to how you look at it) shows that he's more than willing to bump off his own god for not meeting his expectations.

As for his deeds, his rap sheet is pretty impressive: transforming all of the Twilight Realm's denizens into mindless monsters and doing the same to Hyrule's inhabitants, murdering the Zora Queen so she can serve as an example to those who get in his way, freezing the grieving Zora's alive, attack Zelda's castle and putting it to the sword unless she surrenders to him, and turning Hyrule into an all around hellish Twilight world. While his deeds can be traced back to Ganondorf, Zant takes in active role in the suffering of both realm's inhabitants and loves the terrible things that he does.

All in all, I think him getting a spot on the actual page is justified, though we'll see how he holds up in the future when this site presumably gets more members.