Topic on User talk:DocColress

I have seen more of the 19th Pokemon film Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel and I now have more information about the big bad Jarvis.

Who is he = Jarvis is as I have stated above the films big bad. He is a corrupt minister who wants to control the protagonist Pokemon Magearna's soul heart to amass an army of mega evolved Pokemon in order to sieze control of the Azoth Kingdom for himself. This guy could likely be the most heinous villain to come from the Pokemon Anime since Grings Kodai.

What has he done = Jarvis, before the film has even begun has kidnapped the protagonist pokemon Magearna from it's home the Nebal Plateau. Jarvis first appears in the film when his henchmen Dogha and Ether deliver Magearna to him after fighting off an attack from the knight in shining armor Pokemon Volcanion, as Ash and Volcanion attempt to (successfully) rescue Magearna he unleashes a mega evoloution wave on many Pokemon who are capable of mega evoloution. This wave causes these said pokemon intense pain and causes them to fly out of control, all while enslaving them against their will. He also has brainwashed the young prince of the Azoth Kingdom Racel into loyalty against his sister Chymia in hopes that he could be useful someday.

He then enlists the help of the Team Rocket Trio after they are caught snooping around the castle, arming them with mega evolved Pokemon and mega stones, Team Rocket eventually fail their mission thanks to a staged attack from Chymia (The Princess of Azoth Kingdom) and Volcanion. Jarvis after team rocket has failed leads a major assault on the Nebal Plateau (Magearna and Volcanion's home) where his cronies capture several of the Pokemon living there in mechanical bands that electrically torture them. Jarvis henchmen then brutally electrocute those caught Pokemon to an almost fatal extent, to force Magearna to surrender. Upon realizing Ash and Volcanion are trapped as well, Magearna gives in and boards their airship. The young price Racel is excited about Jarvis success but Jarvis reveals that he intends to destroy the Plateau and then forces the horrified young prince to watch, as he forcibly wrenches Magearna's Soul Heart from her body seemingly "killing" her in the process. After tossing the seemingly dead Magearna's body aside he lies to the horrified prince that his sister and everyone on the Plateau are dead before putting him to sleep with Gengar's hypnosis. Jarvis then attempts to murder everyone in sight on the Nebal Plateau in cold blood by having the mega evolved Pokemon fire hyper beam at them all.

After Ash, his friends and Volcanion all survive and pursue Jarvis in his ship he attempts to kill them again by firing a laser powered by Magearna's soul heart, Magearna however tries to resist his commands and the laser does not fire. In the meantime Meowth, horrified sobs over Magearna's dead body. Team Rocket attempt to stop Jarvis but he simply blasts off Jessie and James while keeping Meowth as a hostage hoping to translate Magearna's voice. After Ash, Chymia, Pikachu and Volcanion reach Jarvis control room in his flying fortress, he captures, binds, and tortures them with the same electrical bands he used earlier at the plateau. Jarvis then tries to break Magearna's spirit using his Gengar's mean look to force the pokemon to use the laser and destroy it's own home the Nebal Plateau, this act causes Magearna's soul to fade from the soul heart. Jarvis then tries a final shot but is stopped by Zygarde and the Pokemon of the Plateau. Volcanion in a rage frees itself Ash and Chymia from the machines. Ash then breaks Jarvis staff freeing all of the mega evolved pokemon from Jarvis control, after which they escape the fortress.

With his plan foiled Jarvis tries to completly destroy Nebal Plateau and wipe out scores of Pokemon and humans one more time by setting his flying fortress on collision course while he escapes via a jetpack. Ash's Greninja disables the jetpack sending Jarvis flying into the woods below, he is later arrested by Chymia.

Any Mitigating Factors, Freudian Excuse, Redeeming Qualities None he is Faux Affably evil, motivated solely by greed and a desire to dominate. Has no regard for life or anyone but himself and is incapable of feeling any remorse about his deeds.

Heinous level Oh very much so Only Hunter J, Iron Masked Marauder, Grings Kodai, Dr. Yung, and Cyrus (Anime) rival him. Like the aforementioned baddies he showcases no redeeming qualities and no regard for life. Like the Marauder he tries to force the protagonist Pokemon to destroy its own home simply For The Evulz. His way of taking over the minds of Pokemon that can mega evolve is pure enslavement. He brainwashed the young prince of Azoth Kingdom into loyalty and even enlisted Team Rocket only to throw both of them away once they have outlived their usefulness. Attempts to Kill several children and Pokemon on Nebal Plateau just to spite Magearna and Volcanion as well as destroy an entire populated ecosystem/area of pokemon. Definitly the most heinous villain to appear in the XY series and the most heinous and depraved anime villain since Kodai.

Conclusion Id say he qualifies (he should soon get discussed on TV Tropes), any thoughts?