Topic on User talk:DocColress

It's not that "I disagree with the comments" that's the reason I've deleted them rather than discussing, it's because the anonymous user posting them, who is quite possibly a troll, was adding either poorly written and arbitrary entries to those pages' lists but as replies rather than editing the existing list comment (Or can they do that? Is it just admins who can do it?), or even replying to the lists with full on writeups of characters that they believe qualify for the Complete Monster trope. In some cases they added to the "Examples That Should Remain Here" list replies that cited characters who are not even on the trope page to start with, or added to the "Examples That Should NOT Be Seen Here" list replies that cited characters who are on the page for valid reasons.

So it's less what this person had to say and more like how they were saying it and what they were doing repeatedly.