Topic on User talk:DocColress

This might be, because of new rules for both tropes.

"Complete Monster" added "baseline" and "relative" standards and your wiki changed the rules a little, so some other characters were added to the list.

"Magnificent Bastard" added the "all criteria" rule, so there will be only a part left, while this wiki keeps the older entries.

Regarding the first trope, older entries are still seen because:

- Most of them were added before 2012, about this time characters were still approved, when this wiki was created. Although a part (if not all) is meant to remain here.

- They got proposed, but were denied. This wiki still decided to add them.

- Few characters were added without TV-Tropes doing anything with it. (Failing to qualify in the first place, but meeting enough criteria for this wiki.)

- There's also the "character can remain, if left through "Characterization Marches On"" rule. (Like Orochimaru starting off as someone, who sank very deep to the black hole of evil with no indication of him ever redeeming himself. Then the Akatsuki appeared and he was reduced to a small character, who ended up helping Sasuke (but still lacked truly redeeming qualities). Afterwards, he eventually started as someone who's capable of redeeming himself, so left the territory. There's also Mayuri who started as a very bad villain, but was later reduced to a "He's so funny" sociopathic hero, who displays redeeming qualities at times.) I heard that, I hardly need any comment.