Topic on User talk:DocColress

Some users added a character on ATT a few times.

I have the TV-Tropes proposal of the character.

What is the Work?

Meet the Robinsons is a 2007 animated film about an orphan boy named Lewis, who is building a memory scanner as a science project and maybe attract a prospective adoptive parent. The machine fails and Lewis nearly gives up, but he meets a teenage boy named Wilbur Robinson (who is Lewis’s son from the future), who takes him to the future to pursue the forces who sabotaged and stole the memory scanner.

Who is the candidate and what do they do?

DOR-15 or Doris, is a bowler-hat-shaped-robot built by Lewis’s future self Cornelius to help people with everyday activities like brushing teeth and adjusting a tie. However, Doris took over the tester’s mind, using him to attack Cornelius and other scientists present. Cornelius shut her down (or so he thought) and put her amongst other failed experiments. Doris escapes before long and finds Michael “Goob” Yagoobian, Lewis’s orphanage roommate, bitter at Lewis for keeping him up at night, which caused him to miss a crucial catch at a baseball game. Goob and Doris steal one of Cornelius’s time machines and depart to the past to ruin the science fair demonstration. At the science fair, Doris, who acts as a Hypercompetent Sidekick, sabotages the machine, causing a few accidents before she and Goob steal the machine, intending to plagiarize Lewis’s work as Goob’s, but when they are separated, the demonstration goes poorly and Goob is tossed out. They depart to the future to pursue Lewis and Wilbur.

Once they find the Robinson House, Doris infiltrates the house and tries to kill Lewis with a Falling Chandelier of Doom, while Goob, left to his own devices, goes back in time and steals a dinosaur in an attempt to kill Lewis, which fails because Lewis gets into a spot where the dinosaur can’t reach. Lewis wanders off and is found by Doris and Goob, who bring him to the orphanage where Lewis and Goob grew up, where Goob reveals his and Doris’s origins. Wilbur and the Robinson’s robot butler Carl show up to rescue Lewis and grab the scanner, but Doris kills Carl by harpooning him with one of her appendages and takes the memory scanner, escaping to the past with Goob. Lewis can only watch helplessly as whatever changes Doris and Goob make wipe Wilbur from existence, creating a Bad Future in the process.

Lewis runs back to the house and finds the memory scanner, which plays the moment where Goob and Doris changed the past by claiming credit for the memory scanner. Doris used Goob to suggest mass production of copies of herself, and masterminded a mass enslavement of mankind. When Goob, who had only wanted to ruin Lewis’s life, protested, Doris had him killed. Doris, who is in the garage with the scanner, uses the Robinson family to attack Lewis, forcing him to flee the house (which is also a massive copy of Doris). As Lewis flies in the time machine, we get a glimpse of the Bad Future: the skies are choked with smog and hundreds of hats are being produced. EVERYONE is wearing a bowler hat, a slave to Doris’s will. Lewis escapes a swarm of smaller hats and departs to the past, where Goob is about to sign off on the patent. When he arrives, Lewis tells Goob what Doris will do to him and when Doris tries to shred him to pieces, he tells her “I am never going to invent you”, wiping her from existence.

Freudian Excuse or Mitigating Circumstances?

None on Freudian Excuse. Doris intended all along to conquer the world. There is a little bit where she could have caused a lot more damage at the school, but Goob only wanted to ruin Lewis’s life, so Doris played along for the time being. Being a robot? No. Doris does most of the thinking between her and Goob.


Sets it for the setting. Goob is a Harmless Villain who is useless without Doris.


What do you say?