Topic on User talk:DocColress

MOD HAT ON: Fine, since you want an opinion, here is mine.

If we have to choose between a dedicated page for just one specific example or lump multiple examples across a series, I prefer the former.

I really, really want to avoid repeated information that the latter is prone to providing, and even if a page has just one example, we can use that page to make sure cloned examples do not exist on other pages.

Series examples would be better served on a communal page for CMs that span multiple works in a series, since they can't be pigeonholed to just one specific work.

That's my take on what should be done.

As for making unilateral decisions, that's why we have a majority rule. You've done a fine job keeping the CM pages under control, Doc, but in this case, I must firmly oppose your fiat decision making as completely inappropriate, and if you want to be obstinate about it, then you might be better off with out your mod powers for awhile.

If you'd like to make a compelling argument why I'm wrong, I'm open to hearing it, as would anyone else, but if your logic fails to sway the majority, then I suggest you accept what the majority have ruled.