Topic on User talk:Mark D. Gordon

Here's an excellent example of how that can happen: Malificent.

Originally, she was on the list, as she met every criteria - crimes considered evil enough to cross the Moral Event Horizon, never presented positively or sympathetically, never showing concern for others, never showing regret or remorse for their own deeds, and no justification. As presented in Sleeping Beauty, all were true of Malificent.

However, when the live action movie Malificent was released, the character's backgrounds, motivations, and past were explored more thoroughly; the story shows that the character did express concern, regret, and remorse, did indeed have a partially legit justification, and was portrayed sympathetically. These revelations (which were made in a Disney movie, and thus could feasibly be considered canon) eliminated several of the criteria, and Malificent could no longer be considered a Complete Monster.