Topic on User talk:Mark D. Gordon

If the criteria for qualifying as an example of the trope, the criteria given on the page, doesn't support the inclusion of a character, than the character can't be included. That's how we determine things regarding the trope, not any "rules" set in place. As far as I can tell, the character Mark deleted still qualifies based on the criteria.

And !HeneryVII: the character's name is Maleficent, and the live action movie is NOT something that would disqualify the animated version of the character, as they are not the same and the Maleficent movie is NOT canon to the animated Sleeping Beauty (character depictions are completely different - the good fairies and King Stefen especially - and story events in one are incompatible with the other). Angelina Jolie's Maleficent is different from the animated Maleficent who is different from Kingdom Hearts Maleficent who is different from Once Upon A Time Maleficent who is different from Descendants Maleficent, etc. One version being different from another changes nothing for the chances of a CM qualification.

What disqualified Maleficent is that her acts of evil, aside from placing a curse on an infant and one particularly cruel moment with Prince Philip, were totally standard for a villain of a family friendly animated movie based on a fairy tale (taunting the good guys, abusing her minions, hypnotizing Aurora, capturing Philip, and trying to kill the heroes when they start working to undo her evilness)), and she arguably has a mitigating quality in that she cares for her raven sidekick, Diaval. That's why animated Maleficent cannot be considered a Complete Monster.