Topic on Talk:Epic Fail

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Apparently 2dgirlfan is completely unaware that practically every piece of legislation passed in any nation that has a senate/parliament/etc. is riddled with riders and addenda that have nothing to do with the primary purpose of the bill and exist solely as ''quid pro quo''s made in order to get support. He feels that the presence of such in Prime Minister Trudeau's recent gun control law -- excuse me, "act of dictatorial fiat" (snrk, chortle, snort) -- somehow makes said law qualify as an epic fail. Of course, in that case, virtually 'all'' legislation, including that of which he approves, is ''also'' an epic fail, in some cases demonstrably ''far'' more epic and ''far'' more failing than the example he chose for his impotent political rant.''
Apparently 2dgirlfan is completely unaware that practically every piece of legislation passed in any nation that has a senate/parliament/etc. is riddled with riders and addenda that have nothing to do with the primary purpose of the bill and exist solely as ''quid pro quo''s made in order to get support. He feels that the presence of such in Prime Minister Trudeau's recent gun control law -- excuse me, "act of dictatorial fiat" (snrk, chortle, snort) -- somehow makes said law qualify as an epic fail. Of course, in that case, virtually ''all'' legislation, including that of which he approves, is ''also'' an epic fail, in some cases demonstrably ''far'' more epic and ''far'' more failing than the example he chose for his impotent political rant.