Topic on Talk:Jerkass Woobie

I don't fully understand the reason for prohibiting real-life examples here. Adding examples such as "me" or "my little sister" is inappropriate for most tropes, except possibly if said person is a celebrity. Similarly, gossiping about celebrities (which could be the result of allowing real-life examples here) is usually not a good way to go, especially for other "jerkass" tropes such as Jerk with a Heart of Gold, which does have a real-life section nevertheless.

After all, I think one can add reasonable examples without resorting to gossip or self-diagnoses. For example, people with Borderline Personality Disorder tend to come close to this trope - or at least appear to others this way - due to their frequent emotional instability, manipulativeness, clinging, anxiety, tendency to use emotional extortion etc. Also, it is easy to come across as this when you have Asperger Syndrome and complain about feeling lonely, because others often mistake your social awkwardness, lack of cognitive empathy, focus on "unimportant" special interests etc. as jerkassery. People with mental disorders involving paranoia are also prone to becoming "jerkass woobies" from an outside perspective because their lack of trust in others and argumentativeness renders them isolated and lonely.