Topic on Talk:Donald Trump

This is an interesting topic and makes for interesting discussion imo.

I'm not sure the precedent applies as the situation is different. The Cakeshop was claiming freedom of speech and religion to not cater for a gay wedding as it went against the religious beliefs of the shop's owner... while this situation is social media platforms banning a head of state because they don't agree with his politics and accuse him of deliberately inciting a riot (there's also some double standards/selective enforcement of rules at work if this is compared to how these platforms treated the politicians and celebrities who endorsed violence from the other side of the political spectrum; such as the George Floyd Riots- even the George Floyd Protests violated COVID-19 social distancing regulations - and the CHAZ Insurrection).

Not having a go at you, I think it's an interesting discussion topic. We can discuss it in PM's if you'd like.