Topic on Talk:Donald Trump

You are right that it is incumbent on me. I will do what I can to research the matter further. Thought it will require some searching I don't think it will be too hard as Donald Trump, despite his well-documented flaws, is a far cry from "the most evil (of) bastards" among humanity, even if we're only talking about the last 100 years of human history.

Most people can't create content for this this page themselves at this point, due to the current lock limiting it to moderators, which is why we have this thread.

Now I must protest some of what you just said to me, quote;

  • "Nor we will remove truth from the page because it conflicts with your bias"
  • "You find the good things to say to balance it that aren't already on the page -- and show that they're fact and not just propaganda or wishful thinking. And no "whatabouts" or Clintonesque quibbling about the meaning of tiny words so you can exculpate Trump of something everyone knows is true."

From the words you used, while I could be wrong and you could just be giving hypothetical scenarios while detailing how this webpage is run, given past experiences it reads like you're making personal attacks on me, making assumptions about me and insinuating things about me (inaccurate ones regarding the last two). I'm not left-wing or right-wing, I'm more of a swinging voter myself but from your words you seem to be assuming that I'm some rabid, far-or-alt right Trump supporter.

I think if I'd said those sort of things to/about you, I'd get some sort of penalty imposed on me (I suspect I'm already on thin ice and am concerned this comment might bring some sort of official penalty down on my head). People saying those sort of things about me are one of the reasons I reached out to Labster and @GethN7.