Topic on Talk:Donald Trump

I said "one of the better Presidents" in that regard, not the best, and you brought up Obama HeneryVII, not me. You're also not proving me wrong by showing that Obama did a better job at keeping campaign promises.

By the way, you're calling Trump's motives into question, which is fair, but you're not providing evidence for your claim. For one of several examples, you claim he wanted to bring back waterboarding and end birthright citizenship, can you source those claims please?

Finally, the point of that trope is that Trump kept those election promises, not the motives. You're also assuming the worst without providing sources, including argument from personal perspective (such as saying defunding Planned Parenthood is not beneficial to the U.S - I disagree for several reasons).

I also contend that Trump could have kept more - not all, but more - promises if he wasn't being obstructed by unfriendly state governments and extreme negative media coverage of which a large part was rife with editorializing and/or bias by omission; but I will research to determine how much, if at all, that hampered the effectiveness of the Trump administration.