Topic on Talk:Superman/Characters/Superman

This is perhaps the most unwise response that could've been formulated.

EDIT: To elaborate, there is absolutely nothing mandating that you type angry. I would rather you take a step back and civilly - maybe not calmly, that's not always so easy, but at least civilly - assess the situation and realize: just because someone is a mod who isn't actively trying to lord their authority over other users, this doesn't mean that said mods in return can be treated as disposable janitors, and you certainly should not attempt ultimatums with them... much less invoking Hunter S. Thompson's image for something that more than likely will not even come close to it should you disregard this text and continue on this inadvisable course anyhow.

Beyond that, ATT is a community effort - the emphasis being on community. We are all responsible for this wiki in some shape or form, and while it may not be your fault if the infringing material in question was already present on this site (or else from a pre-fork period of TVT) it would be a wise and proactive thing to clarify such and avoid just that kind of mix-up from the get-go. Perhaps noting in the edit summary, for starters, would have been the play.