Topic on Talk:Superman/Characters/Superman

I appreciate that and thank you for the apology. I don't mind someone asking me if i did or didn't do something. I don't even mind criticism if it's constructive and coming from a genuine desire to help me. I understand you have to deal with this stuff day in and day out and it takes a toll and after having to deal with all of this you're reflex is to assume the worst. I don't believe or feel that you have any personal issues with me and I certainly don't with you. In the future I will always leave notes about what I am doing in the description section so as to not give anyone the wrong impressions. I appreciate that you are doing a, most likely, thankless job that never the less needs to be done. I will try not to react so strongly in the future and try to get some clarification about issues before it turns into something ugly. I actually have a lot of patience. i teach small children. But I think it also tends to have me more critical of adults because I and I am certain you have had to deal with adults they behave more immaturely and entitled than children. I am trying to do my best here to organize pages and add new content. i want to assure you that I enjoy writing, take it seriously and would only ever add my own original content. That is probably also why i was so angry at being accused of plagiarism. I apologize for my knee jerk reaction and while my anger was justified, letting my emotions control me was not. I will keep doing my best to work with the moderators and I hope to at the least keep an amicable relationship with everyone in the future.