Topic on Category talk:Characters

I'm getting really sick of this inconsistency. One of our rules is "multiple works need separate pages". Yet, what generally happens is that when doing a characer page for a certain work of a series you get tropes for all works where he character appears, not just for the work of the main page. Not to mention people only do profiles for new characters, and not for the old characters.

My suggestion is that you when create character pages for new works, it doesn't matter if the character appeared on a previous work, you create a profile for him and fill with tropes they have on the new works. And if they have new tropes in those new works, you don't go back on the character profile on the old works and put those tropes there.

I'm also suggesting this so spoilers can be consistent. Series-wide character pages can't agree on what is a spoiler or not. Honestly, I see series-wide character pages as a lazy job of someone who did not want to creae individual pages for every work. I dunno what to do with them, bu in favour of at least excising tropes from hem entirely, so only works and creators page get tropes. Series pages aren't either.