Topic on User talk:Timthetroper

I'm sorry, but we're rejecting "Doel" again, because you clearly did not review the help pages I pointed you at above. Your proposed page continues to lack the following:

  • Page type template
  • Tropelist template
  • Proper bullet point markup on the trope entries
  • Categories

To vastly increase the odds of your proposed page passing moderation on your next try, follow these two extremely simple steps:

  1. (Re-)Read the Works Page Guidelines and pay specific attention to the section entitled "Page Layout".
  2. Create the page using the ATT Page Creator -- it will automatically insert 90% of the markup you are missing for you.

However, I am afraid I will have to warn you that if you submit a page candidate lacking the necessary markup again, we can only conclude you are ignoring moderator communications, and you will be subject to a temporary ban under item 2 of section 2.3 of How We Do Bans Around Here. We don't want to have to do that with someone who very clearly wants to contribute to the wiki and the community, but if you continue to ignore the minimum requirements we have for a page we have to do something to get your attention and emphasize just how important the matter is.

-- Looney Toons, admin
