Topic on User talk:Max Sinister

Let me be even more blunt, and I speak with my mod hat on.

We are not here to make moral judgments, we are here to give objective fact, and whatever the morality of the works we discuss is, objective truth should make that plain without us having to let our bias leak into it. Again, we do not condemn or endorse anything as a conscious goal, at most our troping and discussion does is better understand the competence of the narratives discussed and their use of tropes, we reserve moral judgment for other venues.

If you edit here for any reason, you are under the same rules as the rest of us, and that is to keep your personal animus or desire to defend whatever media you may despise or adore from compromising objective discussion of the facts of works and the tropes they use. If you are here to be on any form of moral crusade, then go elsewhere.

For the record, I'm a devout Christian off this site. I write for ChristCenteredGamer, a gaming/general review site, where I AM allowed to make moral judgments in certain parts of my reviews, because that site DOES allow me to do so due to it's Christian oriented focus. All The Tropes strives, insofar as we can under legal obligation, to be neutral on politics, ethics, religions, and morality, if only so we can give fact about what we discuss without bias, we will leave that to other venues where such bias is allowed by their guidelines.

Much like my personal morality is not allowed to compromise my objectivity, and I'm an admin (though that gives me no shield against the rules, I can be punished too), the same is expected of you as a troper here.

Either you will comply as we request or we politely request we leave. End of discussion.