Topic on User talk:Max Sinister

None at all. "Pedoshit" was a word deliberately crafted to sound like a valid reason to delete anything they labeled with it, as well as inflaming supportive moral outrage in the hard-of-thinking who would simply accept their word on it and wouldn't bother looking to see if it was indeed illegal. For Maxie here to wander in off the street and assume that Fast Eddie and his bootlickers were actually telling the truth about our content and motives isn't too surprising -- it did take an entire regime change and an order from the new owners for the mods at TVT to stop spreading the story that we were plagiarists who focused on salacious material to the exclusion of anything else. (Hell, it still took years after that before Fighteer reluctantly admitted it in public, and even then he hedged as best he could.) "Pedoshit" is, like "RINO" and "counter-revolutionary", semantically null while emotionally overloaded, designed to evoke an mindless emotional response that serves the user's agenda.

Still, it makes me wonder about Maxie's actual motives in coming here. If he's so convinced we have child porn without bothering to actually look, why did he make an account in the first place?