Topic on Trope Workshop talk:Source Control

I apologize for how I first made the trope, where I focused more on how it can be connected to powers and magic. I wanted to make the trope about how a Power Source helps power an essential part of the setting. I am posting after I changed the description and the image so that it can help describe it better. Still, if the changes I have made today don't come to snuff, they can be discussed further and workshopped if necessary. I also want to use the Tropes Are Flexible so that the trope can help add to the world-building that the trope can help describe. Also, Robkelk, why did you only focus on one part of my last post on the discussion rather than the whole? EDIT for Robkelk's question: I wanted to add about magic and powers while discussing the power sources that Robkelk brought up. From what I can tell, magic always has a source in media, which is, more often than not, mana. However, how magic is used along with mana or any similar source can differ. Magic in Harry Potter is different from magic in Negima, where they are both magic but have differences from how wizards in Harry Potter can cast spells by using a compatible wand with the right words. In contrast, Negima has mana, knowledge, and affinity to use it. When it comes to superpowers, it becomes more complex. An example of a superpower with a power source would be Aura and Semblances from RWBY. Aura is a power that can be projected in different ways, and Semblances stem from Aura while also being empowered by it. If users run out of Aura, they can't use it along with their Semblance. Another example is Fragments from NEEDLESS that are the source of a Needless' unique power and their passive abilities. One final example of powers with a power source would be Justu from Naruto, powered by a user's chakra, which depends on how well the ninja can control their charka to use Jutsu efficiently. Now then, with power that is vague regarding a source. My point is that while there are power sources and powers connected to them, each can be unique and bring a different form of world-building compared to one another rather than just thinking it's the same thing.