Toy Story (franchise)/Fridge: Difference between revisions

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* Why didn't Buzz go back to normal when the toys switched him back to play mode? Because since he was reset to demo mode, he would have lost the memories he'd learned during the 12 years of the first two movies. Ouch. How he got those memories back after getting hit by a TV is another matter that [[Eric W]] cannot figure out.
** Rex accidentally switched him into Spanish mode by holding the button "for more than 5 seconds," and his memory was rebooted via [[The Power of Love]] just like [[WALL-E]].
*** It's true! Look closely when he gets first switched to demo mode: Buzz's batteries were made by [[Bn L]]BnL!
*** His memories were there all along, as evidenced by him being smitten with Jessie no matter what mode he was in; even when he was [[Brainwashed and Crazy]], he called her a "temptress" and was "immune to her bewitching good looks".
** He got his memories back from the T.V. because that's how he realized he was a toy in the first movie!
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** In the end, the toys are rewarded with reincarnation as they are given to Bonnie. - Beacon80
* <<Warning, TS3 spoilers>> So, I finally watch TS3. and with it comes this: you know how in the first movie Buzz thinking he was ''really'' from Star Command was [[Played for Laughs|played just for laughs]]? And in the second movie when it's the "wrong" Buzz, it's also [[Played for Laughs]] because he thinks he's still at Star Command? It gets brought up again in TS3- but it's most definately ''not'' [[Tear Jerker|played for laughs]]- instead Lotso uses one of the funnier [[Running Gag|running gags]] in the first movie, and managed to make it somethign horrifying and terribly sad. Damn you Lotso... --[[Tropers/Loracarol|Loracarol]]
* The incinerator scene is the most brilliant piece of cinema ever made. Many people (Disney management included) see [[TS 3]]TS3 as the film that could finally break the glass ceiling for animation as far as being able to win a Best Picture Oscar. The biggest hurdle to overcome with this is of course the [[Animation Age Ghetto]] and people feeling it's an inherently lower art form. Pixar has obviously been the most prolific studio in trying to turn this around, but regardless of how [[Darker and Edgier|dark and edgy]] they make a film. as long as it is made to appeal to any audience they alienate the academy voters who believe solely in the realm of and [[True Art Is Angsty]]. So what do they do at the climax of one of the most beloved franchises of all time? They set it up to [[Kill'Em All]]. When it gets to that point, they end up subverting [[Like You Would Really Do It]] and [[Disney Death]] by playing them entirely straight. You as an audience member are thinking to yourself "there's no's Disney...but then again, it's Pixar...." and they leave you hanging up until the [[Deus Ex Machina]] that is arguably the biggest CMOA in the series. Everyone in the theater is cheering and applauding but the whole thing was just a fake out. You move on from that point to the true ending and realize killing them off in the fire would have been a complete cop out. Sure, people would have cried, but it would have come off as a cheap ending wouldn't have had nearly the same effect as Andy giving them away did. The [[Bittersweet Ending]] ended up having a far greater emotional impact on the audience and did so without resorting to a standard [[Rule of Drama]] resolution.
** Something this troper realized. The reason that everyone survives? They all hold hands to meet their fate. Had they continued to fight and climb the garbage individually its very likely that they would get spread out and the claw would not have saved all of them. Instead, by staying together to the bitter end, they all live.
*** Wood does keep saying that it'll be okay if they all stick together... and because they do, it is.