Trainspotting: Difference between revisions

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=== Provides examples of the following tropes: ===
* [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents]]: At the celebration dinner following the suspension of his sentence, Mark Renton's mother: tells Begbie and Sick Boy all about her periods; pinches Renton's cheek and calls him her wee bairn, gleefully informing Begbie and Sick Boy that he ''hates'' being called that; then tops it all off by singing Mark his former 'favorite song,' a little ditty about momma's little baby loving his shortbread. Sick Boy joins in. It's enough to make Renton wish he'd gone to prison instead of Spud. He also feels humiliated many, many times during House Arrest, but as it's the degradation of his own addiction that's being rubbed in his face, that's not exactly applicable. (For what it's worth, Mark acknowledges many times that he must be quite shaming to his parents.)
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Mark Renton, Despite being a heroin addict who shoplifts, sells drugs, takes sexual advantage of his late brother's widow, and {{spoiler|steals thousands of pounds from his friends}}.