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[[File:Trash-room_4563room 4563.jpg|frame|<small>The keyboard's around here somewhere...</small> ]]
{{quote|''Look at all this garbage that I keep generatin'
''I sit around all day and watch it biodegradin'
''Bet there's a hundred health codes that I'm violatin'
''Even my dog passed out and needed resuscitatin'.''|'''[["Weird Al" Yankovic]]''', "Trash Day"}}
|'''[["Weird Al" Yankovic]]''', "Trash Day"}}
Someone's [[Fatal Flaw]] is that they are messy. But in fiction, it's not as simple as leaving the occasional book on the floor or not cleaning up a minor spill. No, [[Absurdity Ascendant|these people go all the way]] and produce environments that should not be able to sustain human life. Trash is overflowing from garbage bags like vomit from the mouths of several bloated black slugs, the air is a sickly brown colour, primitive lifeforms have begun to develop under the sink and [[It Came From the Fridge|don't even think about opening the fridge]]. But don't worry! They have A System[[Tradesnark™|™]].
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== Anime &and Manga ==
* Nodame's apartment in ''[[Nodame Cantabile]]'' is like this whenever Chiaki isn't around to clean it. How her piano stays in a playable state is anyone's guess.
* Lain's house in ''[[Serial Experiments Lain]]'' gains a worrying amount of mess and a nasty brown fog near the end of the series, {{spoiler|when Lain's family turn out to be adoptive and goes away, leaving her alone there}}.
* Howl's house in ''[[Film/HowlsHowl's Moving Castle (anime)|HowlsHowl's Moving Castle]]''. Strangely enough, Howl seems to ''prefer'' it that way--butway—but Sophie cleans up after him nonetheless.
* Sheska of ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' is not a slob, but her room is absolutely full of unsorted books. So much that's she introduced needing rescue from being buried under a pile of them that fell over.
* Sato's apartment from ''[[Welcome to The NHK]]'' definitely counts. He at least tries to keep things marginally tidy during his 'oh god I'm a [[Hikkikomori]]' moments, but for the most part, its a sty.
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* ''[[Roadside Picnic]]'' by the [[Strugatsky Brothers]] demonstrates what happens when [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]] have this trait. (For those not in the know, this book was the basis for ''[[STALKER]]''.)
* The Wyler/Garin household in [[Stephen King]]'s ''[[The Regulators]]''. Autistic 8-year-old Seth {{spoiler|and evil possessing entity Tak}} doesn't care what the place is like, and his aunt/guardian Audrey, the only surviving adult in the household, has much bigger problems occupying her time and energy.
* In "The Musgrave Ritual", Watson grumbles about [[Sherlock Holmes]]' tendency to fill their shared flat with stacked papers and oddly-placed personal items, not to mention shooting decorative holes in the wall. Subverted in that Holmes actually ''does'' have "a system" -- at—at least, he can swiftly lay hands on any document he needs -- andneeds—and his accumulated bric-a-brac at least isn't the sort of stuff that decomposes.
* In Harper Lee's ''[[To Kill a Mockingbird]]'', the Ewell family's house and yard are described this way.
* In the ''[[Nightside]]'' series, Suzie Shooter's place is like this. John speculates that the only reason she doesn't have rats is because she eats them.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* A morbid example from ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]''; [[Evil Counterpart|Chaos]] [[Super Soldier|Space Marines]] of the [[The Berserker|World]] [[Axe Crazy|Eaters]] Legion wear power armor known for its distinctive crimson paint scheme. At least, it was assumed to be a paint scheme. As learned by a slave forced to clean a suit, their armor actually bears its original blue and white paint; the red is actually layer upon layer of [[Rustproof Blood|blood]], caked on from countless victims over the millennia.
** Seems the author [[Did Not Do the Research]]. Old, caked blood isn't crimson, it's ''[[Color Coded for Your Convenience|black]]'', or, if it's somewhat fresh and in a thin enough layer, a kind of rusty red. In fact, dried bloodstains are often almost impossible to distinguish from the rust stains without proper chemicals. It's kinda understandable, given that the main oxygen-bearing agent in a human blood is, well, ''rust''.
** The less said about [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant|Nurgle followers]] and their (lack of) hygiene, the better...
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* The Dust Men from ''[[Infamous (video game series)|In Famous]]'' embrace this trope, as they bulit their base from pieces of steel plates and garbage over a park.
** They also construct some of their weapons for garbage as well. From annoying little spider drones to '''HUGE''' trash robots that are controlled by psychic hobos.
* Savage Terminal in ''[[Maple Story]]'' is a small planet where the folks in Grandis throw their garbage. There are two known settlements, though both are [[Wretched Hive]]s, populated mostly by criminals, outcasts, and scroungers. [[Mega Corp| The Angler Company]] and their cohorts believe the Savage Terminal [[Soiled City on a Hill| is beyond saving]] and two storylines (the starting zone storyline for Cadena and the “Detective Rave” storyline) involve their plan to eradicate life on it so the planet itself can be sold for scrap, a plan the hero has to foil, as good people do still live in the Savage Terminal.
== Web Comics ==
* The dorm room of the (male) main characters in ''[[College Roomies from HellCRFH]]''. Spoofed when one of the characters is completely unaware of the mess, because the background is blank. Another character waves his hand, and parts blank background, which turns out to be a wall of fog emanating from all the garbage.
* The character of [ Marigold] in ''[[Questionable Content]]'', at least before [[Super OCD|Hanners]] gets to her.
{{quote|'''Dora:''' Aww, what a cute pet rat!
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* [ The Worst Roommate Ever] Warning: language definitely NSFW, narrative definitely not [[Nausea Fuel|stomach-]] or [[Brain Bleach|sanity-]]safe.
* Some people hoard garbage in their cars, till all but the front seat are inaccessable. You can only wonder what their houses are like.
* [ The infamous Eggert house]. "[[It Came From the Fridge|The refrigerator from which years-old food and roaches spilled out]]". "To get into bed, they had to climb up a mountain of trash and slide down the other side, slick with human feces". "The toilet and bathtub were overflowing." "A baby's crib coated in gray mold". "Conception, believe it or not, occurred here."
* [ Las Vegas hoarder found dead after missing for four months].
* [ This guy] hoarded buckets of his own urine and feces.
* On a smaller scale, many rapidly-urbanizing Third World cities don't have the infrastructure in place to handle all the garbage its citizens produce. In Cairo, for instance, garbage is sometimes stored on the roofs of houses.
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